Next Door Neighbors

Next Door Neighbors by Frances Hoelsema Page A

Book: Next Door Neighbors by Frances Hoelsema Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frances Hoelsema
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Jill didn’t want him to let go.
                  At his release she yearned for his hand to return. There was something in the way he touched her, looked into her, that was different than she had ever experienced before.
                  Breaking her thoughts, Brian again mentioned he should go. And with a wave and good bye, off he went.
                  Jill didn’t start up the lawnmower again until he was back inside his mom’s house. Just like before, it took only one try to get it going.
                  The whole time Jill mowed her grass she thought about how nice it was for Brian to have helped her. He definitely didn’t have to, and she would have understood completely if he hadn’t. But he didn’t even hesitate to do so; in fact, almost demanded to help.
                  Each step Jill took with a smile all because of Brian.

                  Brian glanced around each room, double checking to make sure he had everything he needed for his trip back to Ashwin. This had been a shorter trip back home, but one that had to be made nonetheless. Being an owner had its perks, but also its responsibilities.
                  As he packed the last of the remaining items into his suitcase, Brian thought about his return to Ashwin. His mom had been hinting towards finding a home where she would receive professional care if needed, which meant he might be doing some shopping around. He did not look forward to that one bit.
                  On the flip side, he did look forward to seeing Jill again. She was like an added bonus when staying with his mom.
                  Eyeing his friend, he wondered how Jill would react to seeing him. He knew his mom would be thrilled because it had been a long time, but wasn’t sure what Jill would think.
                  I guess I’ll find out.
                  Deep down he was hoping his friend would be a pivotal figure in helping move things along. The last few months had been good, but he wasn’t where he wanted to be with Jill. She was definitely warming up to him, but he still didn’t have her trust, her heart or anywhere near her hand in marriage.
                  I’ve got to step up my game , he thought to himself, smiling at his friend.
                  He zipped up his suitcase and turned everything off. Walking towards the door he said, “Come on, Buddy. Let’s go.”
                  Jill loved it when Ashwin experienced an Indian summer. Even though fall was well underway, the temperatures and amount of sun there was on days like today made it feel more like the end of August and not the end of October.
                  Deciding it was a good day for a run around the park, Jill laced up her tennis shoes and walked out the door. Immediately she felt the warmth of the sun hit her skin, and she breathed in the fresh air. She made her way to the park, walking first so she could warm up her muscles.
                  Going out for a run was a great way for Jill to process her thoughts. She did her best thinking while going through and around Ashwin City Park. This park was one of the best perks to living where she did. It was shaded and situated within a square; twice around equaled a mile. There was also a path that ran in between to give users options on how to navigate. Ashwin City Park was very ideal for runners, and Jill made use of it as often as she could.
                  Her first lap around the park, Jill’s thoughts revolved around her job and how Elena recently quit. Although she knew it was coming due to Elena’s age and condition, and she wasn’t working much anymore anyway, it still stung. Work would be different knowing that she was permanently gone.
                  She didn’t know what to make of Elena talking

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