New World Order (War of the Fae: Book 4)

New World Order (War of the Fae: Book 4) by Elle Casey Page A

Book: New World Order (War of the Fae: Book 4) by Elle Casey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle Casey
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“I’m giving you two seconds to come clean before I put you in a permanent bubble.”
    “You wouldn’t,” she insisted.
    “I would.   And I’ll probably be stuck in there with you, too, since I suck at it.   So if you don’t want to be stuck with me in a green bubble for the rest of your very long fae life, you’ll fess up.   I know you’re hiding secrets; and if they involve Chase, I have a right to know what they are.”
    Becky tilted her head.   “How so?”
    I smacked her on the shoulder.
    “Ow!   What was that for?” she said, reaching up to rub her arm, frowning at me with as much anger as she was capable of – which wasn’t much.
    “That was for asking me stupid questions.   You know Chase is my daemon.   Plus he’s my friend and who knows? ... He could be my possible future life mate.   So out with it, or else.”
    “I’m not supposed to tell.”   She pouted.   “But I am very interested in hearing about your life mate plans.   Can I be in the wedding?”
    Tony sighed.   “Just tell her, Becky.   Your attempts at distraction won’t work.   You know she’ll get it out of you eventually.”
    I pulled some of The Green into me, sending it to my eyes, letting it sit there and glow.   I meant it as a threat, to show my supposed power, but instead of scaring Becky, it mesmerized her.
    “Holy moly, Jayne, your eyes are so incredibly bright now ... bluuuue and greeeeen and bluuuuue and greeeen ... all swirly and whirly and girly and twirly ... ”
    “Becky!” I yelled, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her, “Snap out of it, you fluff brain!   I need you to talk to me!”
    Her head snapped back and forth a couple times before she looked like she was back on this planet again.   “Wh ... what happened there?   Wow, I felt like I’d drank too much strawberry wine for a minute there.”
    “No, you goof, no strawberry wine here.   Tell me about the pixie blood.   I’m not kidding.”
    She looked up in the air around us and whispered, “Is Tim still here?”
    I whispered back, “I’m sure he is, but I have no idea where.”
    “Fine,” she capitulated, huffing out a breath and rolling her eyes, gesturing for me to come closer so she could whisper in my ear.   “I was talking to one of the elves who works in the clinic, and he told me that they had run out of Tim’s blood, so they had to use another pixie’s blood for Chase’s antidote.”
    I whispered back, “Why would Tim care about that?”
    Becky spoke even quieter, “Because it had to be the blood of a relative of Tim.”
    “A relative?” I whispered back.   “Like who?” I couldn’t imagine that the blood of his wife would have the right stuff they were looking for – unless pixies married their relatives, which was kind of gross.   Tim didn’t strike me as the cousin-marrying type.
    “It was the blood of his son .”
    I sat straight up and yelled, “Whatthefuckareyoutalkingabout?   Tim doesn’t have any kids!”
    Becky started flapping her hands at me madly, like a crazy girl in the middle of a slap fight to the death.  
    I ducked, my arm held up in front of me as a shield, trying to avoid the worst of it.   “Cut it out, you crazy bitch!”
    “I told you it was a secret , Jayne! Couldn’t you just keep your big mouth shut for once?”   The slapping slowly died down as her energy faltered.
    I frowned at her, still keeping my arm up in front of my face for protection, but I could see she was too tired to continue with the physical abuse, so I lowered it cautiously.   “Hey, watch it with the personal insults, lady.   My mouth isn’t that big.”
    “I’m sorry, but geez.   You know he heard you.   Plus you called me the b-word.”
    “Well, you earned it, abusing my delicate person like that with your crazy ninja moves.   And trust me, if Tim heard me, he’d be in our faces right now, buzzing like mad.”
    “Who’d be in your faces right now, buzzing like mad?”
    I jumped in

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