New Sight

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Book: New Sight by Jo Schneider Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jo Schneider
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through is that way.” He pointed to the left.
    Brady reached down and touched the floor with the palm of his hand. “There are a few people that way, too, but they’re much softer.”
    “That is the way out,” Kamau said.
    “Then we’ll go that way,” Brady said with a grin as he stood. “Follow me, and stay close.”
    Lys always imagined soldiers or action heroes saying things like that. The words seemed cheesy coming from a fourteen-year-old kid from Great Britain.
    The implications of their flight started to sink in as Lys and Kamau dragged Mark through the hallway. They might escape, but where would they find themselves? And what would they do once they got out? Not that she wanted to stop and have a discussion about these things—she kept on Brady’s heels as much as she could—but the questions kept surfacing.
    Questions like, how could Brady suddenly bend metal bars like Superman? Or rip doors off their hinges? Put holes as big as her through walls? And what did Mark say? Chaos user? Field? What in the world was going on? The super power theory was starting to sound sane.
    And this couldn’t be a hallucination. No way. Lys had dreamed some horrible things at the hospital when she’d taken the tonic, but this was different. More real, more sensory. Part of her wanted this to be a bad dream, but the realistic part of her knew better.
    Each time they came to an intersection, Brady would squat down and touch the floor with his hand. After a moment he would stand and lead them the direction Kamau indicated. Lys lost track after two turns. She spent most of her energy trying to keep Mark upright.
    The next time Brady stopped, Kamau spoke. “The entrance we came through is at the end of this next hall.” He pointed. “But it opened up into a garage. I bet we can get out right here if you wanted to avoid the guards.”
    Mark raised his head and he and Brady seemed to have a silent conversation. Brady nodded and looked back at Kamau. “Sure, I can get us through. No problem. You might want to move for a second.”
    Lys pulled Mark back as Brady stepped up to the wall. He closed his eyes and placed his palms on the concrete. He started to move his hands around like a mime, touching the surface in different spots.
    “There we go,” he muttered. Lys watched in amazement as Brady brought his hands back a few inches, and shoved them into the wall.
    Shards of concrete shot out from around Brady’s hands. Craters appeared beneath his touch. He curled his fingers under, and they sunk into the wall like it was made of sand.
    Brady took a small step back. He pulled. As soon as the wall started to moan, Brady shoved forward, pushing a section ten feet long away from him.
    Bricks broke apart, and metal screamed. A chunk of the wall, at least six feet wide, shot forward, still in Brady’s hands. Shards of rebar stuck out of the edges, and bits of brick cascaded to the floor.
    Mark, who had raised his head to watch, said, “Not bad.”
    “I know, right?” Brady laughed, shoving his hands apart, ripping the chunk in two and tossing the pieces away.
    “Stop right there!” a voice said from the end of the hall.
    Lys turned her head to see two men in black coming toward them. Only these guys weren’t in black suits, they were in black body armor. Just like the guys she remembered seeing outside the hospital.

Chapter 10
    “Go!” Brady said, pointing at the hole. “I’ll hold them.”
    “Hold them?” Lys asked.
    “Trust me,” Brady gave her another grin. “I’ve got this.”
    Mark shook his head. “Don’t be stupid. You remember what I told you about the suits.”
    “Just so we can get away!” Brady said, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a boxer warming up. “Now get going.”
    Kamau started pulling Mark over to and through the giant hole in the wall. Lys had no choice but to follow. Well, she could have let Mark fall flat on his face—there was always a choice—but she didn’t think that would

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