Never Too Late

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Book: Never Too Late by Jay Howard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Howard
Tags: Fiction, Family Life
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coming up for this particular project of his. How much will that cost him?
    Iain was cold and distant as he emerged from his ablutions. He didn’t seem to notice her at all, Natasha realised, as he grabbed his mobile and swept into their small private lounge, closing the door firmly behind him. She couldn’t resist tiptoeing to the door and pressing her ear against it. His voice was muted but she could make out most of it. She could certainly make out the barely suppressed anger in the one sided conversation she overheard.
    “How the hell did it get to this stage, Richard? For god’s sake I was there on Friday. Why wasn’t I told about them?”
    “Are you really stupid enough to think it’s going to stay just a few?!”
    “Well that’s just not good enough! Christ, we handed over a small fortune to prevent all eventualities that might slow us up! Those trees should have been cleared a fortnight ago.”
    “I don’t want your fucking excuses! I’m fucking up to here with excuses!”
    “Yes, I suggest you do that right now!”
    “No, I don’t think either of us should be seen there till it calms down a bit. Wait till I get back to the office.”
    “He’s WHERE? For Christ’s sake man! Get hold of him - I need to talk to him NOW!”
    “I’m sorry, yes I know... Look, keep trying will you?”
    “Yes, I’m leaving now.”
    She scuttled into the bathroom and was languidly cleansing her face when Iain popped his head round the door.
    “Forget the full performance, Tasha. You’ve time for a quick shower and that’s it. We’re leaving in 10 minutes. I’ll see you downstairs.”
    He grabbed his things from the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. She heard him throwing his things in his case and a few minutes later the door slammed behind him.
    Sorry to spoil your day, Tasha, she thought grimly. I know you don’t mind jumping to obey when God Almighty barks. Well, I can do a lot of things but I cannot shower, get my face done and my clothes packed in 10 minutes! You’ll have to wait a bit Mr High and Mighty!
    Whatever the problem was it sounded big. She’d never known Iain rattled like this before. She wondered idly if she’d need to find another escort for Royal Ascot. Riches to poverty in just a few weeks was not unheard of in her circles and she certainly had no intentions of being left in limbo. She’d make a few calls when they got back to Town, just in case.
    James had hidden himself away in the study night after night, claiming there was paperwork to catch up on before the following day’s work, that with the end of one tax year and the start of another he and Adam were snowed under. He worked in a daze, knowing he’d have to recheck everything in the morning as he couldn’t concentrate, but all too soon bedtime came round. He knew he couldn’t carry on like this. The cycles of rage and deep melancholy would only calm to her normal happy nature when he’d given his wife what she wanted. He would have to face it again.
    Keela was there waiting for him. He delayed as long as he could in their en suite bathroom but he knew there was no escape. He could go along with it tonight and get it out of the way for another few weeks, or he could continue to fret and worry until he felt physically sick and still have to face it.
    Best get it over with.
    She looked so very lovely as he approached the bed, her creamy white skin such a contrast against her dark brows and hair, her long eyelashes curving over and defining eyes he could drown in. He wanted her so much, but not like this. Teeth clenched tightly he forced himself to climb in beside her and did what he knew he had to.
    Afterwards Keela went to the bathroom and returned to bed dry eyed, leaning into him as he sat back against the pillows, her head resting on his chest as he stroked her hair and rocked her. It was beyond his understanding why Keela behaved as she did. Who could help them though?
    Iain had found the drive back

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