Never Kiss the Clients

Never Kiss the Clients by Norah C. Peters Page A

Book: Never Kiss the Clients by Norah C. Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norah C. Peters
Tags: Romance
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had any drive. They bored me to tears."
    "Linda, that's exactly what I've been saying."
    Linda shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. "I really don't know what you're talking about today. Sounds like a load of mumbo jumbo to me. Actually, now that I think about it, I've decided, no more dating for the next six months. I deserve a break. And anyway, I've far too much to do. My social calendar is full. Next month in particular is jammed.
    "At last I'm going to visit Vienna to attend the Spring concert series. I've been wanting to go there for years. It'll be fabulous. Just me, three full days of world class music and of course the art galleries. I can't wait."
    Karen frowned. "Why are you going on your own?"
    "Everyone is too busy with their partners to get away. I was hoping to steal a few of the girls and elope but when it came to making the booking not one of them would drag themselves away from their man."
    "Linda, are all of your friends in long term relationships?"
    "Yes, all of them. Except for Jo of course but she doesn't count because she will never find a man that can meet her exacting standards." Linda sneered.
    "Hmm, sounds like someone I know," Karen joked.
    "That's low, even for you. I'm not at all like Jo. And you know it." Linda barked.
    "Ok then, let's look at the similarities and lets see if you're right. You're both 40, very attractive, highly successful, leading lights in your field and you both have not had a stable long term relationship for years, and for the same reason.
    "Don't forget. I talked to Jo about this not so long ago, that night when she poured her heart out to me. She talks about men exactly the way you do. In fact, she even uses some of the same exact phrases to describe "the enemy"."
    "You're joking, right? You must be. I'm really not that bad."
    Karen paused for effect and continued. "Jo and you both think you're not at all cynical, you two call it having high standards. The problem is that since no man can ever meet those ridiculously high standards it causes you both to be overly critical of every potential mate you meet."
    Linda bowed her head and sniffed, tears filled her eyes and she sighed. "You know me better than I know myself sometimes. I've never admitted this to anyone before but I know I can trust you. I've been flying on empty the last few years. It's like I've become a victim of my own success. On the surface it looks great. I've got my shiny new Bentley parked outside, my designer clothes, my shoe collection and the big house to keep all my stuff but there's more to it than meets the eye.
    "I'm under constant pressure with mounting bills, salaries to pay and endless business functions to attend. As you know I never stop and I put on a brave face but inside I die a little every time I have to play the role. You know the one I mean - the happy powerful woman who has it all. They say it's lonely at the top. It is. Very lonely. Now I know why some people jump. At times it can seem like the only way out."
    Karen piped up. "Don't worry Linda, it'll all work out. You're just over tired, you need a break, that's all. Even the super human need to let their hair down. You'll be in Vienna before you know it enjoying a well deserved break, it'll do you the world of good."
    Linda took a deep breath and dried her eyes before replying. "You're right, as usual. It's not just that. When I talk about being lonely at the top I'm not just talking about at work. I'm alone in my life. Once I close the door after an evening with my friends, and they are truly wonderful friends, I'm alone. When I win an award or sign my latest big deal, I turn to share the moment, and, I'm alone. I really don't know how much more of this I can take.
    "Sometimes I seriously think about selling this business and moving to the Caribbean. I could buy one of those beautiful old colonial houses and fix it up just the way I want it, I'd love to do that. I've worked out the numbers. I could comfortably retire and never

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