Never Giving Up (Never #3)

Never Giving Up (Never #3) by Anie Michaels Page B

Book: Never Giving Up (Never #3) by Anie Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anie Michaels
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the world he thought I could hold off an orgasm. I was put in a trance as I watched a bead of sweat roll down his forehead, trail down the bridge of his nose, and drip off him, landing right in the middle of my chest. Then his eyes met mine and I felt so many emotions in his gaze. This man loved me more than any other single thing on the planet. He treasured me, coveted me, wanted me, above anything else, me and the baby we made together.
    “I will always wait for you,” I said as I brushed my hand through his hair, bringing his lips down to mine. He kissed me, his tongue brushing up against mine, like I was a breath of air given to a drowning man. And then he took. He took everything. I was lost in the feeling of his possession, swirling in the heat building between us, dangling off the edge of my world, hanging on by the connection between us, waiting for him.
    “Now,” he growled at me, as he seemed to lose his composure, pushing into me with new speed and fervor, gripping my hips harder, lifting me up to get to depths previously unknown to either of us. I cried out as I tumbled through my release and felt him tumble with me. We breathed in tandem, both of us slowly coming down from new heights. He rested over me, our sweaty bodies still entangled, his face nestled in the space between my neck and shoulder. I turned my head towards him slightly and placed a small, open-mouthed kiss on his cheek, loving the salty taste of his skin.
    “All that baby-making practice really paid off,” I whispered into his ear, hoping to see his beautiful deep brown eyes. I was rewarded when he lifted his head to look at me, and was gifted another surprise to see his smirk. Nothing was sexier than my man, sweaty from sex and smirking at me.
    “You can’t give all the praise to practice, Baby. There’s something to be said for natural born talent. You’ve got it in spades,” he said as he brushed the tip of his nose up against mine, making me smile in return. He gave me a quick kiss and then rolled off me. Immediately I was left cold, the frigid air turning my previously hot and sweaty body into a shivering mess.
    “Hey,” I said quietly. He turned his head to look at me, his hair all kinds of crazy, still sweat soaked. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have questioned you or doubted you. You did nothing wrong.” I let out a small sigh, taking just a moment to put my thoughts into words. “I think lately I’m just feeling really insecure and tonight it manifested itself in a jealous streak.” He rolled closer to me, draping his arms around my waist, resting his forehead against mine.
    “I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now, with everything happening to you and your body. I get it. I really do. But you have to understand, and believe me when I tell you that seeing your body change, knowing it’s my baby inside of you causing that change, it’s the sexiest thing to witness. I see nothing but beauty when I look at you.”
    His words warmed me. I believed him and I trusted him, always and completely. But I also knew that there would be times down the road when I would forget this moment and give in to the demons in my mind out to sabotage me.
    “I promise to try and remember that you’re always on my team, but I might need a reminder every once in a while.” I peeked out at him through my eyelashes.
    “Oh trust me, Ella. If what we just did is the kind of reminder you need, I’ll be more than willing to give you a refresher.”
    “Ok,” I said shyly. He smiled at me and landed a loud smack on my naked ass. “Ow!” I exclaimed, caught off guard by his attack.
    “Come on, let’s take a shower and go to sleep.”
    I followed him to the bathroom and started to unwind under the hot water spraying down on us. I let Porter wash me, loving the gentle feeling of his hands on me, spreading silky soap over my skin, getting sleepier and more tired as he used his hands to knead out the tense muscles in my back.
    I was

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