
Never by K. D. Mcentire Page A

Book: Never by K. D. Mcentire Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. D. Mcentire
flung it at Wendy's feet.
    “What is this?” Wendy asked, kneeling down and picking up the fabric. It was a sensible gray swatch, shiny satin but durable, frayed only where some dull blade had sheared it from a larger bolt.
    “Give it to your boy,” the Lady said, grinning her snaggletoothed smile. “With my compliments. Then return and hear my price for your passage.”
    Flipping the foul woman off and tucking the odd fabric away, Wendy turned and realized why the Lady Walker was so amused. The spirit webs had dropped down behind the car, draping the road completely in a curtain of writhing white. There was no way to push through them, even in the car. They'd all be stripped of will and essence within seconds.
    Close…so close…Wendy could hear the wet snuffle of the beast as it stalked through the weft of webs.
    “That was suspiciously fast,” Jon joked as Wendy, balancingcarefully and ruing her already aching shins and calves, returned to the vehicle. “How much was the toll?”
    “She gave me this.” Wendy handed off the swatch of fabric. “She wanted me to give it to Piotr and then go back.” Wendy ran her hands along her arms. “The forest…”
    “Closed in behind us while you were jabbering,” Elle said, taking the swatch. “We noticed.” She examined the fabric before handing it over to Piotr. “I have no idea what this is. Do you know, flyboy?“
    “Da. This is…this is Ada,” Piotr said running a thumb along the frayed threads. “A part of Ada's dress, I am certain of it.”
    “Your scientist buddy? What's she got to do with it?” Chel asked.
    “She is still in one piece,” Lily murmured, taking the swatch from him. “This is part of her essence; it has not faded so Ada still exists. The Lady Walker is telling us that either she has Ada, or she knows where Ada is being kept.”
    “Like kidnappers sending a finger to prove the victim is still alive,” Eddie mused, sticking his tongue out and grimacing. “Twisted.”
    “I will go,” Piotr said. “Wendy ne—”
    “Bull shit , you'll go!” Wendy snapped. “We don't negotiate with crazy, Piotr. She wanted me, I'm going back out there. Not you.”
    “Without weapons? Are you nuts?” Eddie demanded. “She put up with your bravado once, but if you tweak her nose again that dog'll eat you whole!”
    Wendy rolled her eyes. “Please. I'm the Lightbringer—”
    “Without abilities! Without Light!” Eddie crossed his arms over his chest. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? I know the way you work, Wendy. Is this a guilt thing?”
    Surprisingly, Piotr took her side. “Let her go say her piece,” he said. “Wendy is competent.”
    “Are you kidding me?” Eddie demanded. “You're her…sort of her boyfriend! You should be yelling the loudest! Don't you care?”
    Lily laid a calming hand on his arm but Eddie flung it off. “No!If he really loves her he shouldn't be shoving her out the door to piss on that lady's parade! Especially with Hell-Fido out and about!”
    “What Wendy and I are to one another is none of your concern,” Piotr retorted pointedly. “She is the Lightbringer. She is aware of her own capabilities. And the Lady Walker will not harm Wendy. If she were going to, Wendy would be gone by now.”
    “You know an awful lot about this chick, Pete ,” Eddie snarled. “Got anything to share?”
    “I knew her in life,” Piotr said, not bothering to disguise the disgust in his tone. “My lost memories are slow in returning, but when they do they come in full. The Lady Walker destroyed my family and laughed as they died. Do not claim I do not wish her terrible suffering.”
    Eddie stilled. Wendy knew that he was struggling with what to say, that he was tempted to simply turn away and drop the fight but instead he humbly said, “Man…man, I'm sorry. I didn't know.” Her heart swelled with pride for him.
    “How were you to know? Your body still lives and my bones are as dust.” Piotr smiled bitterly. “A

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