Naw Much of a Talker

Naw Much of a Talker by Pedro Lenz Page A

Book: Naw Much of a Talker by Pedro Lenz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pedro Lenz
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tae a German, he’d
lost his life naw that long ago but. He didnae know the guy who’d then bought it.
    Naw, ah said, naw. The previous owner, faur as ah know, wisnae German but wee Stofer’s uncle. An’ wee Stofer didnae buy it. He inherited it fae that uncle.
    Valentin – that wis the name ae oor new friend – jist gestured summit. It wis his way, nae doot, ae tellin us those wur unimportant details jist. He then said he didnae want tae know
the details anyhow. Ah dae but, ah said, ahd like tae. Ah like details, even as a schoolboy ah drove the teachers mad cos ah wis aye harpin oan aboot the details ae a story. An’ that’s
how ah wis sae keen tae hear whit kinda guy hid owned this hoose.
    Valentin got a bit mair seriouser an’ said it wis a lang story. An’ anyhoo: we’d only jist arrived. Regula got aff the ferry, Valentin showed us the way up, then we said
cheerio an’ thanks an’ above aw: invited him tae visit us. He shid drap by some time, come fur his tea, soon as we’d settled in a bit. Thanks, he said, he wid, definately
    Ah said tae Regula an’ aw: ah kinda liked this guy. Ah didnae know why masel, ahd taken tae the guy but.
    An’ then, like ah said, we went up the steep path.
    Dammit, Goalie, Regula went, noo ivry time we’re doon in the village, we’re goney hiv tae climb back up tae go tae bed.
    Dont fret, Regi. It’s only the first time it’ll seem faur an’ steep. It’s only cos wur aw o’er the shop an’ hiv the bags, above aw. Themorra or the day eftir,
ye’ll naw even notice this wee hill. That’s the nicest thing aboot tryin tae encourage someone. Try tae encourage someone an’ ye automatically encourage yirsel at the same
    The hoose wisnae as cauld as we feared. It hid they wee propane radiant heaters in aw the rooms, an’ if ye let the radiators radiate a bit, the place heats up fast. In
addition tae that, the Hector guy who looks eftir the hoose hid done a perfect joab ae airin the place an’ pit oot clean bed-linen fur us. Ah tellt him wee Stofer said hello an’
stressed a few times we hid ivrythin we needed an’ of course, it wis aw the way it shid be an’ manymanythanks again an’ naw, we didnae need anythin else. We wur glad when he
finally left us. Alane.
    A guid hoose, way too big fur the two ae us, naw that ah wis givin a monkey’s fuck aboot that. It his three flairs. Doonstairs, the kitchen an’ livin room, wi
access tae the garden, plus a bathroom an’ two bedrooms. Upstairs, anither four bedrooms an’ anither bathroom an’ a large terrace. Right at the top: smaller rooms fur the staff.
Naw bad, ah like even jist the idea ae that, ah tellt Regula: servants quarters.
    Eftir that, ah let her choose a room. She lay doon furra bit, wis still a bit tired eftir the journey an’ that. That wis fine by me. Cos, when ahm new in a strange place, ah like tae find
ma bearins masel first. So ah wis like that tae her: you go ahead an’ grab some kip an’ ah’ll go doon tae the village fur an oor or two an’ get us summit nice tae eat.
    The village widda taken ten minutes tae go roon, specially in winter when ivry shop, nearly, an’ ivry guesthoose is closed. Ah found a nice bar nivvertheless but an’ when Regi comes
in the door, ah look at ma watch an’ realise ahv awready spent four oors in here fur sure, that it’s dork ootside awready, an’ ahm pissed awready fae this aniseed brandy that goes
doon like oil an’ definitely hits the spot, only but when yir naw expectin it any mair, sorta.
    Add tae that the fact ahd made friends wi two young wimmen who wur parliamoin English tae me an’ smokin wan joint eftir the fuckin ither, which didnae seem tae bother any ither cunt there,
the guy at the bar least ae aw: he’d the occasional draw himsel, then nivver forgot tae offer me some.
    Och, look who it is, Regula! Hid ye tae look fur me fur long? Ahm sorry, ah lost track ae the time.
    She’s like that: nae problem – an’ smiles.

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