Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series)

Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series) by Gemma K. Murray Page B

Book: Natural Born Enemies (Cedar River Series) by Gemma K. Murray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gemma K. Murray
Tags: paranormal romance
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her oatmeal.
    “Well, thank you, Rock. I appreciate it, but I’ve got a place to stay.”
    Rock grimaced, “I figured as much, but Maddy thinks I need to extend the olive branch before we lose our princess altogether.” He placed his hand on his daughter’s shoulder and squeezed gently.
    I noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes as she reached up and took his hand in hers.
    “Princess, your mama and I would like you and Adam to come to dinner soon. Do you think you could make it?”
    Luna turned her eyes up to look at me. How could I tell her no? Something was happening around here and I’m not sure what it was. I nodded sharply.
    Her face lit up like a child on Yule. “Sure, Daddy. I’ll call Mama when we have a handle on things.” She hesitated for a moment. “Bowie’s organizing a clean-up at Adam’s land in a few weeks. We want the weather to warm up a bit. The women are bringing food and Adam is providing the burgers and hot dogs. If you aren’t busy, maybe you could lend a hand?”
    Rock smiled like I’ve never seen him smile before. “Of course, we’ll be there. Do you want a few tents and tables? I’ve got some heaters we could set up to help people stay warm.”
    I was stunned. “That would be very helpful, Rock. Thank you,” I said as I stood to shake his hand.
    I began to calculate the cost of this clean-up. If you’ve ever fed a village of shifters, then you’d understand.
    “Give me a call a day or two in advance and I’ll put out a notice to everyone. You, two, have a good day,” Rock said before he joined his pack mates at a table in the corner.
    Luna was smiling broadly. “I feel like I’ve stepped into an episode of the Twilight Zone.”
    I couldn’t help but laugh, “Then, I’m right there beside you”

    We got up to leave and the waitress didn’t have our bill. “Rock said he’d take care of your breakfast this morning.”
    I tipped my hat to Rock who gave me a short salute as we left. Luna was humming the Twilight Zone theme song as we got in her car.
    We stopped off at the sheriff’s department. Callum was working the desk. “Hey, Adam. Luna.”
    “Morning, Callum. Is Bowie in yet?”
    “He’s been here and left again. I don’t think he ever went to bed last night. He’s so pissed off right now.”
    “About this fire?”
    “Yeah, he’s been out to your place sifting through things trying to find a clue to who did this. Oh, that reminds me; he took your truck and parked it behind Luna’s. Here are your keys.”
    I turned to Luna, “I should be out there helping Bowie.”
    Luna took my hand and dragged me out the door of the office, “Bowie said you were taking the day off. Besides, we need to get you some things if you’re staying at my place for the time being.”
    She turned to Callum, “Have a good day, Callum.”
    Callum was grinning as I struggled half-heartedly against Luna’s tugging.

    We did stop by the site on the way out of town. “Gods, baby, it looks worse in the daylight.”
    Luna simply held my hand tightly in hers.
    “Show me where you were hiding last night,” I asked her.
    She led me to the old cedar tree I’d wanted to cut down. I was going to make that damn thing a shrine now.
    There were her tiny footprints in the snow. Beside the tree was a batch of larger footprints. I knelt down to inspect them further. I pulled out my cellphone and took pictures. The footprints looked familiar. It hit me where I’d seen them before and it was like a punch to the gut. Not many people around these parts would buy this particular brand of boots, but I was aware of one person who did own a pair. I felt sick to my stomach as I text a message to Bowie and sent him the picture.
    Luna put her hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay, honey?”
    I composed myself and looked at her. “Sure, just too much drama for a day.”
    We walked back to her car and the world felt as if it were sitting on my

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