important business to attend to, so they’d put off the ride. Red Danger was delivered early in the morning and that was the key focus of the day. She watched while he and Sonny spent a good bit of time getting the animal settled in his new digs. Now, Ryan watched carefully as she walked up to the prize bull in his special stall. Like the one they had for Brutus, it was twice as wide as the others, was bedded with extra straw and had padding on the walls. They had let him out into the special area cordoned off just for the two bulls so he could get some exercise and work off some of the energy stored up during the trip from the seller’s. Right now, only Brutus used the area. The other bulls were turned out into the closest pasture one or two at a time, carefully watched and kept away from the cows so there was no injury or worse, accidental impregnation. He’d spent too much money on his breeding bulls to have them mate with just any of the cows. After the next rodeo season, with the contracts he had, he planned to build yet another barn, with pens rather than stalls, and a special bull walker. He’d start small, with a few of the bulls, and add to it the following year as the larger contracts came in. He hoped. Red Danger was now in the restraint stall, ready for Sable to give him the once-over. He leaned against the wall. Watching her carefully. He’d been impressed with the way she’d given Brutus an exam when she’d first arrived. This fascinated him even more. He was sure she harbored some fear of the animal. If she was smart, she would, just as everyone did with an animal weighing sixteen hundred pounds and bred to buck. But you’d never know it to watch her. “Well?” He couldn’t keep silent any longer. If she found something wrong with the animal, he’d be on the horn to the seller in a hot second. She turned to him and smiled. “He’s perfect, Ryan. A fine, healthy specimen. I can’t wait to see the calves he sires. Have you picked the ones you want to mate with him yet?” “I have.” He nodded. “The hands and I tagged the first four we’ll use. We’ll be bringing them in from the pasture and putting them in that smaller area close to the barn so we can monitor their heat readiness. This big guy will have a chance to get used to his new surroundings before we tap into him.” “Sounds good.” “So how about coming up to the house for a quick cup of coffee? Or do you have to get right back to the clinic?” Sable pushed back her sleeve to check her watch. “I have a little time. Let’s get this big guy back in his regular stall first and let me observe him a little. Then I’ll be up for my coffee.” “Okay. I’ll get Sonny to help me here.” They had just moved Red Danger back to his regular stall when Ryan’s cell phone rang. He checked the readout. His new contact at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. “I’ll need to take this up at the house,” he told Sable. “Just come on up to my office when you’re finished here.” The call took a little more than ten minutes. He had just hung up and walked back into the kitchen when Sable came in through the back door. “Whew!” She pretended to wipe sweat from her forehead. “That’s some monster out there. Excellent conformation. You’ll have some very valuable bulls out of him.” “I’m hoping. I’ll want you at each of the births too. I’m not taking any chances.” She grinned. “I wouldn’t expect less. Now how about that coffee.” They had just finished and Ryan had taken the cups to rinse when Sonny came barging through the back door. “Boss, boss. Holy fucking shit. Better get out here right away.” His face was red, he was sweating and he looked scared. Ryan’s blood chilled. “What’s going on? What the hell’s the matter?” “It’s Red Danger. Come on. He’s out.” “Out? What do you mean out ?” He brushed past Sonny, leaped off the back porch and headed across the yard to