Naked Edge
smell the delicious scent of her dark brown hair.
    My body shudders as I spasm, coming harder than I have in a long time.
    A quiet knock on the door startles me. I cut off the shower.
    “Rowdy?” Skylar sounds worried. “Are you okay?”  
    Guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought. “I’m fine.”
    “It sounds like you’re in a lot of pain. Do you need some Tylonal or Advil for your tooth?”
    “I’m just a little sore.” I brace one hand against the tile wall and cringe. Could I sound any more pathetic?
    “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do for you?”
    I grab the same damp towel I used earlier today and rub it over my body. “Go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”
    I wait until I hear her door creak shut before heading back to Boone’s room. He’s in bed, but not asleep.  
    “So. What’s going on with you and Skylar?”
    “We’re taking things slow.”  
    “Anna didn’t seem to think so.”
    “You heard that, huh?” Boone was in the family room with the TV on when Anna arrived. His ears must be better than mine.
    “Dude. I’m pretty sure the entire town heard. That girl’s a whack job.”
    “Just saying.”
    “You don’t know her like I do. She had a really rough childhood.”
    “So did you, but I don’t see you blowing up and attacking people for no reason.”
    “I almost punched Wade Summers in the jaw tonight.”
    “What!” Boone rolls onto his side and props his head up with his elbow. “Why?”
    “He was trying to keep me away from Skylar.” I can’t believe I’m spilling my guts to Boone. We used to be as close as brothers, but that changed when I started fucking around with girls and drinking. Boone’s no boy scout. He’s had his share of one-night stands and if the recycle bin in the kitchen is any indicator, he’s going through at least a six-pack a day of Coors. But he doesn’t think I’m good enough for his cousin. I’m not, but it still pisses me off.
    Boone’s voice drops. “I told Wade to ask Skylar out.”
    I take a deep, calming breath before I open my mouth and say something I’ll regret. “Why?”
    “Skylar’s stuck in the past. She still believes the two of you have a shot at making it work.”
    “And you don’t?” Anger simmers under my skin, itching and burning like poison ivy.
    Boone sits up and tucks a pillow under his broken foot. “Wade is more like you were four years ago than you are. He and Skylar make more sense than the two of you. If you’re ready to settle down and try to have a real relationship with one girl, you should consider Anna.”
    “God, Boone. She’s my sister.” I’ll never settle down with just one girl. Unless it’s Skylar. That realization sucker punches me in the gut.
    “Anna’s just your step-sister. There’s no reason you two can’t hook up.”
    “Anna and I have no interest in hooking up with each other.”
    “Are you blind? Anna’s been drooling over you for years.”
    “You’re delusional.”
    “Anna wants you and she’ll do whatever it takes to get rid of the competition.”
    “Anna knows how hard it was for me to get over Skylar. She doesn’t want to see me get hurt again. That’s all.”
    “Are you?”
    “Am I what?”
    “Over Skylar?”
    I want to say hell yeah, but Boone’s got some sort of internal bullshit detector. He can always tell when someone is lying. “I thought I was.”
    “You remember what I said about hurting her?”
    “Yeah, I remember.”  
    “I meant every word.”

Chapter Fifteen

    After tossing and turning most of the night, I wake up a little after six. My skin feels too tight for my body and it has nothing to do with the dry climate.  
    I’m a little irritated with Rowdy for not kissing me goodnight. Okay, that’s a lie. I’m not irritated. I’m flat-out pissed. What was that all about anyway? Is he punishing me because I won’t have sex with him? Does he think I’m enjoying this?  
    If people could die from sexual frustration,

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