Naked Desire: Naked Cowboys, Book 5
want to keep that logo you designed for me. Cyn’s Cyn-Sational Barbecue Rub . I want to do the same thing with the barbecue sauce, which I think Alfredo plans to start mixing next week.”
    “Good. It will make a great header.” She picked up her purse. “I’ll get with you on it later this week. We can at least get the details down on paper so I have something to work with.”
    “Okay. And thank you.”
    Reenie gave her a hug. “Hey, what are friends for, right?”
    Cyn felt tears of gratitude burn her eyelids. For the first time in her life, she had real friends, and she would never take it for granted.
    “Go on down to the store,” Georgie urged and grinned. “And say hey to Jesse for us.”
    Cyn blushed every time she remembered the details of their weekend together. He was such an incredible lover and he seemed to enjoy being with her, in and out of bed. If this was a dream, she didn’t want to wake up. She rushed from the room, sure her face was probably red from embarrassment.
    The images of her and Jesse together still danced in her head during the short drive to the store. She was so anxious to see him again she had to force herself not to speed. When she parked in her usual space, she took a long moment to pull herself together. It wouldn’t do, after all, to jump his bones as soon as she saw him. The thought that she, Cynthia Dellinger, would be so sexually bold made her giggle. Life was definitely looking up.
    “Good thing you got here,” Jesse hollered when she came in the back door.
    She dumped her purse and the bag from the market on the table and hurried to the front of the store. The first thing she saw was the counter gleaming like polished satin and one wall of shelves with the spindles Jesse had carved by hand. At the moment, he was putting a coat of clear varnish on them. The next thing she noticed was the mob of people outside the store, crowded against the window, trying to peer inside.
    “Holy crap.” Her jaw dropped.
    Jesse gave his low, sexy chuckle. “Your fans have been here for quite a while, darlin’. I think they’re getting a little restless.”
    “Oh. My. God.” She turned to him. “What shall I do? If I open the door they’ll run over me.”
    He rested his paintbrush on the open lid of the can and wiped his hands on a rag hanging from his pocket. “Get that gorgeous body into the back room and get to cooking. I’ll take care of them.”
    She watched from the back while Jesse opened the door a crack and slid outside. She couldn’t hear everything he said, especially since everyone was trying to talk to him at once. But whatever he said must have worked. In a few minutes, they moved away and he slipped back inside again.
    “My hero.” She wound her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe to give him a hot kiss.
    “Careful.” He set her an inch or so away from his body. “You might get some of this lacquer on your clothes.”
    “I don’t care. Thank you for handling that. What did you tell them?”
    “To come back in a couple of hours and you’d have samples for them.” He frowned. “You can get some ready by then, right?”
    “No problem, I’m doing chicken today.”
    “By the way, that rub of yours was the hot topic of conversation this morning at the Bit and Bite.” His eyes twinkled as he grinned at her. “Everyone thinks you put a little something extra in it. I haven’t heard so many people discuss their sex lives since I was in high school.”
    Cyn ducked her head and turned to unwrap the chickens. “I, um, may have added a special ingredient.” Without looking at him, she told him about the damiana. “I didn’t think it would have such an immediate effect. I probably should call Alfredo and tell him to change the recipe, although God knows, he’s probably got half the batch ready by now.”
    Warm hands touched her shoulders and he turned her to face him. His mouth curved in a wicked grin. “Leave it, Cyn. This town could use a

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