Nacho Figueras Presents

Nacho Figueras Presents by Jessica Whitman Page A

Book: Nacho Figueras Presents by Jessica Whitman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Whitman
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a while,” she said, “but I came back. And I bet Valentina will, too. You’ll just have to be patient. With time and care, she’ll start to trust again.”
    Alejandro cleared his throat. “Thank you. That means more to me than you can imagine.” He took a sip of his drink, silent for a moment, and then clapped his hands together. “But I’m afraid that we have wandered a bit off track. So, what I was trying to say is that I have a business offer for you.”
    She nodded slowly, wondering where all this was leading.
    “I do not know if you follow polo, but for our team…well, let’s just say it has been a disappointing season so far. But I mean to turn this around. To make a new beginning. What you did for MacKenzie, you have proved yourself to be a remarkable veterinarian. I have a gut feeling about your judgment, your courage. And I think you might be able to help us. I am not a vengeful man, but our deputy vet’s negligence was unforgivable. He won’t be getting work for a while here in Wellington.”
    Georgia dropped her eyes tactfully.
    “So, you see, we are in need of a new number two.”
    Alejandro paused for a moment, looking out over the water, running his hand through his thick hair. He was anxious, she realized, and it was endearing to see.
    “Georgia, I think that hiring you to assist Gustavo, as our American vet—just for the remainder of the season, of course—six weeks—would be an excellent idea.”
    She stared, not sure she could have heard him right.
    “I know you’ll need to think about it. I understand that you have responsibilities. Obligations. But I believe the job offers an interesting experience and a manageable challenge for a vet at your level.”
    Her mind ran rapidly, trying to accept the fact this was not, as it turned out, a date at all. This was a business meeting. That, actually, she had just been offered a job…and a rather dazzling job. But there was no way she could be apart from her father and the farm for over a month, was there? And what about her work at the clinic? But then she thought of that incredible fleet of ponies needing so much time and care, and the amazing, adrenaline-filled rush she had experienced watching the game in full swing…
    And of course, there was Alejandro himself. She stole a look at him as he rummaged through his briefcase. His eyes were downcast, his long, spiky lashes feathering over the taut, tan skin of his high cheekbones. His wavy, coal black hair just barely touched the collar of his shirt. She didn’t think she had ever met a man so infernally sexy, and just now, he’d shown her a vulnerable side of himself that made her ache. She wanted more. In every sense of the word.
    He pulled a piece of paper out of his briefcase. “Sebastian has gathered from his friend Beau that you’re very valuable to your practice in New York, so I know that you will have to be well compensated. Lord Henderson, our team patrón , was very impressed with you as well. We are prepared to be quite generous.”
    He slid the piece of paper across the table. Georgia unfolded it, and she almost laughed aloud. The sheer size of the number made it hard for her to keep a poker face. It was more than she’d make in a year at the vet practice back home. She thought of all the things she could fix around the farm with this money—how much it would mean to have a little cushion left each month for the first time. But she also thought of her father and what he’d think and say.
    Alejandro leaned toward her across the table. She hoped for a moment that he might take her hand, but instead he ran his finger along the edge of his glass.
    “Georgia,” he said quietly, “I want to assure you that this would be a purely professional relationship. I do not want you to worry that what has already passed between us had anything at all to do with my offer. As I said, I have not been myself the last few days. Normally, I would have never…We have very strict policies about

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