does not allow them to knock people down as proof of virility or in any way act out the traditional male role. As a result, the young men compensate by playing at being men, w'earing cowboy clothes, hoots, black leather, attempting through clothes (what an age for the fetishist!) to impersonate the kind of man our society claims to admire but swiftly puts down should he attempt to be anything more than an illusionist, playing a part. It is the wisdom of the male swinger to know what he is: a man who is socially and economically weak, as much put upon by women as by society. Accepting his situation, he is able to assert himself through a polymorphic sexual abandon in which the lines between the sexes dissolve, to the delight of all. I suspect that this may be the only workable pattern for the future, and it is a most healthy one... certainly healthier than the rigid oldfashioned masculinity of someone like Rusty whose instinct to dominate in traditional ways is bound to end in defeat or frustration, excepting perhaps in his relations with the old-fashioned Mary-Ann... relations which are currently at an end, for she has still not heard from him, or so she says. I suspect he has been busted. And just as I was about to make my final move. It is too unfair! The party ended in an orgy of eating. Delicate girls devoured cold cuts as though they had not been fed in weeks, while spent youths lay snoring among tangled towels that smelled of new--made love. How Myron would have enjoyed all this! Though I'm afraid he would have paid more attention to the boys than to the girls and perhaps imitated my bull-like Skin who, waiting until one young man had assumed the classic position between a girl's legs, leapt upon him and forced his way in, to the obvious irritation of the raped youth who, nevertheless, had sufficient aplomb (and Dionysian abandon) not to break his own stride, as it were--oh, how various are the ways of power!
Recording Disc No. 751
27 February
Well so far she has got the jump on me this morning she came into my office and gave me this Mexican wedding license apologizing for not having got it sooner but it was ms1aid Uncle Buck I tell you when she calls me Uncle Buck like that Id like to break her neck she is living hell and theres no doubt about that she also said she was getting impatient for her share of the estate and she hoped quote mean old Flagler and Flagler would soon see their way clear to the half million dollar settlement unquote half million dollar settlement I asked it was three fifty that we finally agreed on before well she says quote that was before but I have been kept waiting and waiting while your detectives have been trying to get something on me like I was criticizing General Motors or something and so I regard the extra one fifty as damages for the mental anguish you have been causing me unquote well I controlled myself as best I could and said quote now Myra you know what lawyers are and after all we never did meet before and whats to keep a total stranger from barging in and claiming to be mar ned to my late nephew question mark end quote oh I see your point of view she says in quotes of course I do but you must also see mine and realize just what it is I have been going through since My ron died leaving me entirely alone in the world and broke well we kicked that around the poor defense less widow number and then she again gave me until April one to pay up or else she goes to court and really gets mean so I do my best to soothe her putting the blame on Flagler and Flagler but the thing is still fishy even though theres no doubt she was involved deeply with Myron because though I didnt know him I sure as hell knew Gertrude and at one point Myra let slip the fact that she personally had always found Gertrude hell particularly the way she used to save worthless things like newspapers and string and keep the icebox jammed with food that had gone bad that she was too damned
Laura Joh Rowland
Liliana Hart
Michelle Krys
Carolyn Keene
William Massa
Piers Anthony
James Runcie
Kristen Painter
Jessica Valenti
Nancy Naigle