My Wolf's Bane

My Wolf's Bane by Veronica Blade Page A

Book: My Wolf's Bane by Veronica Blade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Blade
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felt sorry for me, but not enough to give in. “I have too much work to do here at the shop.”
    “It’s just that I don’t know the first thing about cars. I could bring you twenty before finding a keeper. I’d be happy to pay one of your employees to go with me.” There would still be plenty in the budget for a great car.
    “I’m sorry, Autumn.” He shook his head. “I wish I could help you.”
    Oh, no. This couldn’t be happening. My parents’ behavior was totally out of character and I couldn’t blow my chance before they snapped out of it. I mean, hello? Wiring fifteen grand when a week ago they could barely leave me alone for an hour? Who knew how long the aliens would control them?
    My eyes teared. “But I know zilch about cars.”
    “You know what?” Timothy rubbed his chin. “I have a part-time kid I can spare for a couple days or so. Just for you.”
    That was when I felt it. His presence. Oh, God, please no. As if in slow motion, I turned to see Zack getting out of his Jeep. He’d changed into a navy blue shirt that matched Timothy’s.
    Could it be that the future of my car was now in Zack’s hands?
    He approached, eyes narrowed at me.
    “Autumn, this is Zack. Zack, you’re going to help this nice, young lady find a car her parents would approve of. You’re in a hurry, right, Autumn?”
    I nodded.
    “We can do without you for a few days while you take care of her. Work out the schedule with Autumn.” He switched to me again. “You guys are good customers, so I’ll only charge you twenty bucks an hour.” 
    Totally doable. “Great.”
    “Did you want to start today?” Timothy asked, glancing at the clock on the wall. “You’ve still got time before car dealers close.”
    Could I handle another dose of Zack so soon after the Gina incident? The answer was clear. If it meant getting my car even one day sooner, yes. “If he’s up for it.”
    Zack groaned, but too low for Timothy to hear. “Isn’t there anyone else who can do this?” 
    Timothy cocked his head, eyes turning into slits. “You’re not qualified to advise her on a car?”
    “I am, sir, but—”
    “Excellent.” Timothy jotted an address on a slip of paper and handed it to me. “I suggest Abraham’s Auto Sales. They have good, affordable cars and they’re close by. At Weatherly, go south and it’s right on the corner.” He swiveled to his left and looked past me. “May I help you?”
    A woman to my right bellied up to the counter.
    Reluctantly facing Zack, I said, “You ready to go?”
    “Can we take mine as opposed to…” He eyed my car.
    “If we take mine, maybe I can trade it in.”
    “Or sell it privately and get more for it,” Zack countered.
    “Okay. I just need to lock it up.” I headed toward the Taurus.
    “Yeah, because there’s someone out there who’s dying to steal that car.”
    I turned and glared.
    He gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry. Couldn’t resist.”
    I gave him a look that said I wasn’t amused, then forged on. Inside my car, I rolled up the windows, then got out and closed the driver’s side. Something didn’t sound right. The door hung off kilter, so I bumped it with my hip and it closed fully. I backed up and stared at the indentation my thigh had made. Great. Like my car wasn’t unsightly enough.
    Willing myself to relax, I jumped into the Jeep and strapped on the seatbelt. The vehicle began to move.
    “Want the radio on?” he asked.
    Would Zack bond with me over a favorite song? Not likely. But the music might keep my mind off the awkwardness of being stuck with him. “Sure,” I said.
    He fiddled with the radio until he found a station with The White Stripes and their beats pounded from the speakers.
    The ratty soft-top wasn’t airtight and the windows were down. Tendrils of hair escaped and whipped me in the face. I gathered most of it into a ponytail with one hand while my other hand stayed busy trying to capture the rebels.
    “Would you like the window up?”

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