My Soul to Take (Soul Keepers (Young Adult paranormal romance))

My Soul to Take (Soul Keepers (Young Adult paranormal romance)) by Melissa Solis Page B

Book: My Soul to Take (Soul Keepers (Young Adult paranormal romance)) by Melissa Solis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Solis
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before you bed her down tonight.” I nod and look over the mud caked horse. What did she do to you? “I’ve got to go, Sam and I are having dinner tonight.”
    I’m pretty sure all of the color has drained out of my face at her comment. She is reveling in my slack jaw.
    “ Last weekend he took me flying, it was so romantic. Let me tell you, the boy can sure can handle that stick.” She rolls her eyes back as if she’s having a moment of sheer pleasure. I really hope she’s talking about the throttle, but okay calm down, breathe, in and out, stay calm. An image of Peyton straddling Sam pops into my head.
    Nope, the claws are coming out.
    “Speaking of sticks, the broom is missing. Would you mind checking between your cheeks on your way out?”  Bewilderment crosses her face before she walks off. I see her glance at her rear end just once before she exits the barn. I spit out a laugh. Sometimes there is justice in this world. I hose off Persephone and dry her before I put her in her stall.
    I hear a loud noise and whip around to find Sam standing in the barn door with a bucket of water spilled at his feet. He looks surprised to see me. I give him a soft smile and meet his eyes before he bashfully looks away. Brennen? No wonder dad insisted I go check on the new hire. Look at her, in rubber boots two sizes too big, swallowed up by that apron and those ridiculous nose plugs, yet she still manages to take my breath away.
    I pull the nose plug off and grab the mop bucket. I wring out the mop and sop up the water Sam spilled.
    “Sorry, I hope that it’s okay that I took a job here.” He moves aside so I can clean the puddle.
    “ No, its fine. I just didn’t... you’re the last... um... I just didn’t know you liked horses, that’s all.”
    “ Sometime the things we like the most are right under our noses and if you just take a step back you can see it, clear as glass,” I admit as I put the mop up.  Sam rubs the back of his neck, as if he is considering this. I begin the chore of filling everyone’s water bucket with clean fresh water. Sam opens a stall door and leads a dark sable colored horse out and attaches her lead to a post. He brushes her coat with what looks like a natural scrub brush. We both toil quietly. When he’s done with that one he brings out another and begins to brush it too.
    “ Can you show me how to do that?” I pick up a brush and he nods through a clenched jaw. A barrage of thoughts cross his mind like, I wonder if Elijah is okay with her taking this job with me.   God, I miss her . She is too damn cute in her tight jeans and low cut T-shirt . Then he thinks of what he witnessed last week and tries to shake the image from his mind.
    “ Run your hand over her. Feel that dust and dirt?” I slowly move toward the big chestnut horse like it’s a live grenade. The horse gives me a blinking look that says, “Amateur.” And I swear he shakes his head at me. Light as a feather I graze over his hair.
    “ Mm hm.”
    “ That’s what we’re taking off.” Sam takes my hand with the brush in it and moves it over the horse in long strokes. His hand is warm and his chest is so close to my back, I can feel the heat radiating off of it. We take a couple more passes over her coat. I can hear his heartbeat with my gift and it’s beating faster and faster.
    I turn around and though his mind still repeats his condemnation of what he almost did, I ignore his thoughts, and I move my lips up towards his fractionally. Slowly, just as I approached the stallion, so it wouldn’t spook.
    I close my eyes and wait for him to finish the distance. His fingers run up my neck and into my hair. His chest is now undulating over mine like the lazy ocean wave caressing the shore. His heart is raucous and erratic.
    His lips touch mine for a brief second and then retract. He takes a deep breath. No, p lease you’re so close. I peek and see his warm brown eyes are moist with tears. I can’t take it anymore.

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