My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2)

My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2) by Alycia Taylor Page B

Book: My Rock #2 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #2) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
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    “Seriously though,” she said, “I’m just afraid
someone else will figure it out and talk to Clint or Jake about it. You don’t
have to worry about me. I won’t say anything….if you really like him you should
go for it. Just be careful.”
    “I don’t,” I said, too quickly. “I don’t really like
him. It was something that I never do…just sex. I can’t even explain it, it was
like being a teenager again and unable to control my hormones.”
    “He’s pretty hot…when he cleans up,” she said.
    “I know, huh?” I said with a giggle like a little
girl. Where the hell did that come from? “I think the grunge thing is part of
his whole persona now.” I really didn’t. From the looks of his apartment, he
was just a little bit lazy, I think. Maybe too busy partying, but I didn’t want
to think about that. The real question is why I feel the need to defend him.
He’s hardly been nice to me. I had no idea where that compulsion came from, but
it was there.
    “So, did he tell you the real reason the band broke
    We had spoken so little that I was probably lucky he
even told me his name, but I wasn’t close enough to Molly yet to share that
with her. Said out loud it translates into me being some kind of desperate slut
who’s willing to have sex with a guy who has nothing to say to her. I’d let
poor Susie be my dumpee there for now. Instead I just
    “No, he doesn’t really talk about it.”
    “I heard it was because he had to keep going back to
rehab. If I remember right, he was in rehab four or five times. I saw an
article once where he talked about it. He said that his parents started giving
him uppers and downers when he was just a kid.”
    “Seriously?” I’d like to find that article now. It
might give me a little insight into the enigma that he was. “That sucks. I
can’t imagine having parents like that.”
    “Yeah, I’m not sure if I’ll ever be able to work on
a show that promotes child stars. I think maybe fame is just too much on a
kid’s psyche. They always seem to turn out so messed up. Or maybe the parents
who are drawn to put their kids in show business are the messed up ones. I’ll
stick to working with adults who act like children,” she said with a giggle.
Then she said, “Have you been to his place?”
    I almost visibly shuddered at the memory, but I
suppressed it and said,
    “Yeah, once.”
    She looked excited again and said, “Is it really
nice?” I remember seeing a magazine spread in Teen Beat one time of where he
lived. I was about thirteen at the time and the house was a sprawling mansion
in Orange County. I thought about how hard his life must have been to go from
that to where he is now.
    “No…he actually lives,” how to put this delicately?
“He just lives like a normal person.”
    “Maybe he doesn’t have any money left. I hear that
happens to a lot of them too.” Molly was a walking gossip column.
    “Yeah, I’ve heard that too, it’s sad.”
    “I shouldn’t speculate since I don’t know him,” she
said, “But he has to be at least close to broke, right? I mean, he’s
auditioning for a reality show that promotes new talent when he was already
part of a band that traveled the world and sold out concerts…He’s got to be
doing it for the money, right?”
    I didn’t really know. I barely knew anything about
him except that he was great in bed. I looked up at the clock and realized that
it was after eight already and we needed to get to work. I also still felt like
I wanted to protect him and I felt bad, like we were talking behind his back.
    “All boy bands must come to an end, right?” I said.
    Molly smiled and said, “Yes, but then they should
all go on to become Mark and Donny Wahlberg. They don’t need a boy band to be
    I laughed and said, “In a perfect world.” In my
mind, I was thinking, that neither did Tristan. I didn’t say that to Molly
though. I was already trying to get her to forget about

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