My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 2 Discovered
Jagger is blood, Mario is not,
plus Jagger is unpredictable.”
    “ I still think I can work on
Jagger. After what Alberto did, I think I have a chance of turning
    “ It won’t happen, because he’ll
have two families gunning for him instead of one, and there are
moles everywhere. He won’t live if he turns on Frano, regardless of
whether he’s blood or not. If he testifies he will be cut from the
family, then Frano will allow the Donatelli to finish him off. And
Jagger knows he won’t get a quick death. Those sick bastards will
torture him.”
    I frowned. “I still think he’s my best
option, plus if he’s a victim, he should be taken out of here, not
sent to someone who will harm him more.”
    “ Jagger’s not a victim, he’s a
monster; he deserves everything he gets.”
    “ He’s been
    “ That’s what he claims, but no
one can believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Lies are second
nature to him; it’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t with
him. Frano’s given up on trying.”
    “ But Jagger was terrified with
Honey, he totally lost it, thought a padre was attacking him.”
    “ I’d say it was a ploy to soften
you. He’s done similar things to other women. He’s an expert
    “ It looked real to me; you can’t act the
terror I saw on his face.”
    “ You haven’t seen what I’ve
seen. Jagger can’t be trusted.”
    A creaking noise made Federico jolt, the
sound of a door opening. Knowing someone was coming, I took a hold
of Federico’s cock, making him jump. Cringing inside, I worked his
semi-hard shaft, needing it to grow fast so our pretense looked
    “ Suck me,” Federico said
    “ No!” I shouted, letting go of
his cock.
    “ Do it now,” he
    “ What’s happening here?!”
a loud voice came from behind Federico.
    Federico jolted, although I knew it was
fake. He turned around to see... Frano was glaring at him, the
man’s eyes burning holes through Federico’s head like he wanted to
shoot him. He was dressed in the same clothes as before: black
trousers and a white button-down shirt, the first few buttons at
the top left open, revealing a muscular tanned chest.
    Federico stuffed his cock back into his
pants. “Alberto said I could get a blowjob from the slaves whenever
I want.”
    Frano pointed at Federico’s face. “Not
with this one!”
    “ I...ah... mi dispiaci, don,” Federico
apologized. “It won’t happen again.”
    “ Unless you want a Jagger
    “ No, no, don, I can assure you I
won’t touch her again.”
    “ Did she suck
    “ No, she refused, even with the
gun to her head.”
    Frano looked down at me and smiled. “Good
girl.” His gaze moved back to Federico, his disdain returning.
“Take her to my room.”
nodded .
“Up!” he said, turning to me.
    I rose, my fear amplifying at the thought
of going to Frano’s bedroom. Even though I found Federico
unattractive, I’d rather suck his cock than allow Frano to touch me
    Federico pushed me out of the cold cell.
We followed Frano up the staircase and through the lounge area. My
eyes went everywhere, cataloging the room. It was decorated in an
old style: the richly colored tapestries with their religious
images making me feel as though I was in God’s house, not the
Devil’s. My gaze took in items of which I could use as weapons: an
ornate vase with rosettes that I could throw, a number of other
expensive-looking pieces of pottery, some with sharp edges, and the
fireplace stoker, which I imagined jamming up Frano’s
    We ascended a sweeping staircase, the
rich red carpet plush and soft beneath my bare feet. At the top, we
turned right and headed down a long passageway. Portraits lined the
walls, their frames covered in gold leaf. The images within held
variations of a harsh-looking man, his features so similar to
Alberto’s, and a beautiful woman who resembled Frano. Two children
in their early teens sat

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