eyes, rosy cheeks and glowing complexion.
They chose not to speak of Adam. Alexa knew that once she spoke his name painful memories would rise up and haunt her. In her estimation it was best not to dredge up feelings better left untouched, or to analyze those same feelings too closely, for surely hate existed somewhere in the compartments of her heart. But what of those times he made love to her with such tenderness that she lay swooning and unresisting in his arms? It was all part of his grand plan for revenge, she told herself bitterly.
How could a man make love to a woman with such feeling and yet care nothing for her? Obviously Alexa had never known a man like Adam, for that’s exactly what he had accomplished. And yet … yet … a small kernel of indefinable feeling lurked in her heart. An emotion ready to burst into bloom given the slightest provocation. Some might call it love. Alexa put no name to it.
Mac was just as determined to keep thoughts of Adam from invading Alexa’s mind and body. In his heart he knew she had fallen in love with Adam and truly believed those feelings would never be returned by his friend. Adam had plans that didn’t include the daughterof John Ashley. Mac’s own course was much less complicated. He would care for Alexa until she came to realize the extent of his love. When that happened they would marry and live happily ever after. But then, Mac had always been a dreamer.
One fine day Alexa stood at the rail of the
A, staring westward. As it happened so often of late, her mind dwelled on the babe growing inside her. Already she had to let out her dresses and wondered if she could complete the voyage without Mac finding out.
Inexplicably her thoughts turned to Fox, a man Alexa knew would never treat her cruelly despite the fact that he was a pirate and a rogue. Their all too brief encounter had initiated her to a thrilling new experience that Adam had finely honed in their months together. Would she ever see Fox again? she agonized. Probably not, she decided. If only her baby belonged to Fox … Unikely … but …
Almost as an afterthought. Alexa’s hand fell to her stomach where she lightly outlined the slight bulge she was careful to keep hidden beneath her cloak and numerous petticoats. And then, in a motion so common to pregnant women she pressed her other hand to the small of her back, forcing her stomach and pelvis forward. In the several seconds she held that position her pregnancy was all too apparent.
Merry eyes akindle, Mac watched from the quarterdeck as Alexa leaned into the wind, staring westward. Her beautiful face reflected her inner turmoil and Mac wished there was something he could do to ease her fears. Then suddenly her movement caught his attention and his breath caught painfully in his throat. Alexa’s unusual stance emphasized the unnatural bulge of her stomach, with one slim hand outlining the slight swelling while the other eased her back, as if to take the pressure off her burgeoning middle.
Mac knew a moment of intense hatred for Adam Foxworth. Pregnant! The bastard had left Alexa pregnant without a thought for her future! Hadn’t he realized such a thing could happen? Mac thought with impotent fury. It was obvious Adam’s vengeful mind failed to take into consideration the consequences to an innocent young girl. Never had Mac felt the urge to kill so strongly.
Mac spent the rest of the day coming to terms with the certain knowledge that the woman he loved was expecting another man’s child. Holed up in his cabin with a bottle of brandy, he pondered long and hard and finally came to a painful decision. Armed with the knowledge that what he was about to do was right for Alexa, Mac spoke briefly to his navigator, then went to bed, his mind much eased. From the beginning he knew his dream had been an impossible one.
Alexa hardly noticed the slight change in course. What she did note was that the closer they came to their destination the warmer it