Must Be Love
the television. ‘The sea’s pretty cold too at this time of year.’ I notice how Emma casts me a light-hearted scowl as if to say, Stop putting him off.
    ‘We like to treat our vets – all our staff – humanely here at Otter House,’ Emma says. ‘You’ll work to a preplanned rota, so you’ll know well in advance when you’re off duty.’
    ‘I take it you’re happy with sole charge,’ I cut in. There are some vets who aren’t.
    ‘You’ll have a nurse available at all times,’ says Emma, ‘and you’ll always be able to get in touch with Maz, if anything comes in that you’re not sure about.’
    ‘I’m confident with the routine stuff and common emergencies,’ Drew says. ‘I’ve also had plenty of experience in exotics – rabbits, birds and reptiles.’
    ‘There aren’t that many reptiles in Talyton St George,’ Emma says, ‘unless you count one or two of our clients.’
    ‘Emma, you can’t say that,’ I cut in, chuckling.
    ‘Of course I can, Maz.’ She grins. ‘Drew’s one of us. Almost.’ She turns back to him. He’s looking at her, his expression one of bemusement, and I realise he’s just as unsure of us as we are about him.
    ‘We have a great team here,’ she goes on. ‘Our trainee nurse is picking up on everything very quickly – I’m sure she’ll soon be up to speed.’
    ‘With the microwave, at least,’ Drew says, smiling. ‘I can get along with anybody – especially when there’s a beach not far away.’
    Emma seems to have gone in like a racehorse with blinkers. She’s virtually offering him the job on the spot without conferring with me.
    ‘Have you got your own protective clothing?’ Emma asks.
    ‘I’m afraid not.’ Drew glances down at his wrist where the cuff of his white shirt is clearly visible, sticking out from the sleeve of his suit jacket. ‘I travel light, you see.’
    ‘Have you got any questions for us?’ Emma says.
    ‘Yes. Do you provide me with somewhere to stay, or do I need to look for a place?’ Drew asks.
    ‘I’ll sort something out,’ Emma says quickly. ‘And we’ll hire you a car. What kind of accommodation would you be looking for? Single? Double?’
    ‘Oh no, I’m not hooked up. It’s just me.’ Drew flashes a brilliant smile. ‘My boss can’t wait to get shot of me. He wants the flat that came with the job back for the permanent assistant he’s taken on. I’m no longer wanted, and anyway I’m ready for a change of scene. I am supposed to be travelling, seeing the world, after all.’
    I glance pointedly at my watch when Emma looks at me, perhaps expecting a contribution to the conversation. I’ve got more than enough to be getting on with, appointments booked all the way through from ten until two. Normally we start at nine, but today Frances booked clients in from ten because of Drew’s interview. I’ve also got a visit to give three Siamese cats their boosters because they’re too highly strung and sensitive to travel – according to their doting owner, who’s also rather highly strung and sensitive herself.
    ‘Shall we show Drew around the surgery now?’ I suggest. ‘We can discuss terms and conditions as we go.’
    He appears interested and impressed by the practice facilities, the piped oxygen for delivering anaesthetics, state-of-the-art X-ray machine and gadget for measuring our feline patients’ blood pressure. He also confirms that he’s confident using them and discusses a couple of the more complex cases he’s been involved with when Emma and I ask him a few technical questions.
    ‘If you need to know where anything is, or how it works, all you have to do is ask,’ Emma says. ‘We tend to see our own cases through from beginning to end here, rather than chop and change. Clients like seeing the same vet every time.’
    ‘But we always discuss any cases we’re unsure about,’ I join in. ‘Sometimes it helps.’
    ‘Two heads are better than one,’ Drew agrees, nodding.
    Emma leads us into

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