Murders Without Motive

Murders Without Motive by Harry Nankin Page B

Book: Murders Without Motive by Harry Nankin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Harry Nankin
Tags: detective, Mystery
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pulled the deceased a fair way resting on the chair. Then, simply kicked away the chair, rather missing the chair striking the ankle with the same conclusion. There is no evidence the neck was broken.”
    “Death would have occurred from strangulation if he had hanged himself. There are no signs of facial distortion thus I am convinced the deceased was already dead.”
    She then carried out the full post-mortem, Pearson managed to stand it without passing out or vomiting.
    He was shown by the professor no sign of neck fracture. No sign of an enlarged tongue.
    She certified the death as
    1a suffocation
    1b cerebral damage through lack of oxygen.
    Adding a rider.
    “This death was not natural in cause”.
    Having done this she said, “I will inform the Coroner myself officer, you may inform your senior officers that they have another murder on their hands, that of Charles Crampton”.
    Pearson left and headed to the Police Headquarters. On route he could only mumble “what the hell do I do now?”
    When he arrived back he updated Chief Super Jinton who immediately telephoned Chief Constable Watkiss.
    Still in the dining room having consumed the scones, cream and jam she and the Commissioner were about to leave when her phone rang.
    “Yes, Mr Jinton, “What did you say?”
    “Another murder Chief, Charles Crampton was found hanged in his bedroom earlier today. It appeared to be a straight forward suicide, especially after his attempt in the cells. I have just been called by Jock Peters the Coroners Officer that Professor Hallam was not happy. She called Pearson to the scene.”
    The now shattered Chief Constable said, “Heavens forbid what the hell is going on?, I will be back soon, I have the Commissioner with me, and I will update him. By the way refer any press calls directly to me, is that understood?”
    “Yes Chief”
    She came back, “Get onto Pearson find out how things stand, and in addition ascertain if he is still liasing with Jack Richards it all seems too quiet for me?”
    Jinton had no need to get onto Pearson for he was already on his way by car to Tarporley.
    It was nearly five o’clock. Jack at a loose end had been mowing the lawns, that bloody idiot from Garden Rescue had taken holidays right now at the height of the grass growing season.
    Removing his boots, washing his hands and flopping down in his desk chair, he looked at the pile of files sat upon his desk.
    He had spent many hours perusing the contents then making notes, but having heard nothing from Pearson and reading the papers all seemed to have been dealt with.
    He thought as he nodded off that all he had read didn’t actually bear any resemblance to his theories and hypothesis.
    It was only an instant to him, twenty minutes in real time when he was awoken by Anne shaking him.”Jack, Jack wake up that young detective is here. I don’t recall his name.
    “Oh I see” he said arousing himself back into the real world.
    The door bell rang followed by a knock. Clearly the caller was in some rush and showing signs of impatience.
    Anne opened the door, he could hear her saying, “please do come through young man, he is in here”.
    Jack looked up making all efforts to give the impression he was fully alert and simply waiting for Pearson to call, a lie of course.
    “Good day to you Inspector,” said Jack.
    “Hello Mr Richards, sorry I haven’t been in touch, pressure of work you see”
    “Yes, I have been reading and following your exploits, I am surprised you have called, come to collect the files have you?”
    “Well, no, in fact the whole thing as gone belly up” replied Pearson.
    “I see” replied Jack, making all efforts not to displaying anything other than a straight face and certainly no sign of a smile or an expression of I thought so.
    “Please do take a seat Inspector then when you feel up to it you may update me with a narrative of events”.
    Pearson was young but this old Tec as young detectives were called when he,

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