Mr Malloy: A BWWM Teacher-Student Romance

Mr Malloy: A BWWM Teacher-Student Romance by Cherry Kay Page A

Book: Mr Malloy: A BWWM Teacher-Student Romance by Cherry Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cherry Kay
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nothing but a loving and supportive relationship underneath. It felt so good for everything that had been hidden and put on show in turn to finally be reaching its natural state of easy romance and genuine affection.
    They had a good life together when the drama had subsided. Amara would go to her classes and try to pay attention, despite the way she kept managing to catch her professor's eyed.  Jason would try to grade papers with his wife sitting on the edge of his desk and they would go home together at the end of the day to talk about law and life, curled up in each other's arms with the cat purring somewhere nearby.
    Amara didn't know that a woman could be this happy and Jason, whose life had come to seem so inconsequential in comparison to all of his successful friends, came to find out that he didn't need to be a great man to feel content, because he was able to love a great woman. The two had a way of building each other up to be the best that they could be, and this provided each of them with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that they had both been searching for.
    A year passed and then two, and suddenly Amara was a lawyer, graduating in her black gown while a certain professor tried not to seem too much more pleased for one of his students than for all the others. Her graduation was a victory for them both. It marked not only all that Amara had accomplished alone, but all that they had accomplished together. It showed two idealistic young people that dreams could come true and that fighting for their dreams and hopes could make a lifelong difference.
    Old Mr. Finchley was even there in attendance for the graduation ceremony, as he was every year, to see the new faces of law that would be shaping the world. He cheered loudest for Amara when she received her degree, and she waved to him as she descended the platform.
    To be standing at Jason's side in a photograph after having accepted her degree from the Dean, Amara already felt that she had everything she had ever wanted, but, when she saw a familiar face among the crowds timidly watching her from a distance, she was overwhelmed with emotion. She rushed to her, and her mother approached her with tears in her eyes.
    "I hope you don't mind that I came." she said, choked by emotion. "I couldn't let my baby girl graduate without her mother there to see her."
    Amara immediately burst into tears and launched herself into her mother's arms. She didn't care about all that had been said and done before. Her mother was there for her on the biggest day of her life and that was all that mattered.
    "I'm such a proud mother." Amara's mother told her tearfully. "I'm sorry for everything that happened with your father and with Matthieu, but I have always loved you. I have always admired you for being strong the way you are and I am so glad that you did what you had to do to accomplish your dreams."
    She looked up then and smiled happily, “Is this the man? Is this my son-in-law?" Amara's mother, Mariah, gazed up at Jason with thankful eyes, then said, "You are a good man," she told him. "You married my daughter for who she is. I wish I had encouraged both my daughters to find the same. Welcome to the family."
    "Where is Pa?" Amara asked her desperately, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Did he come?"
    Mariah shook her head. "I am sorry, Amara. He is angry still."
    "At least you're here." Amara smiled joyfully.
    "My daughter taught me how to stand up to a man." Mariah told her tenderly. "Nothing could have kept me away."
    Mariah stayed with them for a few days after the graduation and Jason was able to spend some time with Amara's mother. Over the long days, he came to know what it was like to be a husband tuning out as his wife became engrossed in conversation with his mother-in-law, but Mariah liked him very much and went back to South Africa to report that her youngest daughter was a lawyer and the wife of a good man.
    Her report must have had an impact, because when Jason

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