Mother For His Children, A

Mother For His Children, A by Jan Drexler Page B

Book: Mother For His Children, A by Jan Drexler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Drexler
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northwest wind whistling around the eaves and driving tiny flakes of snow against the windows in a relentless hissing.
    Ruthy built up the fire in the front room so she could help Waneta and Martha make the needed alterations to their new dresses. The rest of the children played games on the floor near the stove while Levi took Elias and Nathan out to string a rope from the house to the chicken coop and barn. No matter how thickly the snow blew, the animals would need caring for.
    â€œHow long do you think this storm will last?” Ruthy squinted her eyes to thread a needle in the dim light. She had never experienced such wind at home.
    â€œSometimes it snows for a week,” David said from the floor.
    â€œIt only did that once.” Waneta was bent over her sewing and spoke around the pins held tightly between her lips.
    â€œI remember one winter we couldn’t go anywhere for two whole weeks.” James jumped David’s checker and claimed it.
    Martha looked up from the hem she was sewing. “Was that when those Englischers ran their automobile into the ditch at the end of our lane, and they ended up staying in the Dawdi Haus until the roads were cleared?”
    â€œI don’t remember that,” Sam said, looking up from the farm he was building out of blocks.
    â€œYou were a baby then,” David answered. “You didn’t remember anything.”
    â€œThose Englischers were funny,” Waneta said. “They were from the city, on their way to visit relatives. Dat said they didn’t know any better than to stay home when bad weather threatens.”
    The sound of boots stamping off snow signaled the return of Levi and the boys from the barn and a glance at the clock told Ruthy it was time to start thinking about supper. She went into the kitchen just as Levi Zook opened the back door, letting in a stream of cold air.
    â€œThe wind is getting even stronger out there.” Levi cradled the cup of coffee Ruthy gave him while the boys huddled around the kitchen stove.
    â€œIt must be getting colder, too,” Ruthy said, opening the cookie tin and handing them around.
    â€œJa,” Elias said, his voice shivering. “I was afraid the milk would freeze in the pails between here and the barn.”
    Levi sat at the kitchen table with his coffee while Ruthy took care of the buckets he had carried in. Elias was right—milk clung in frozen droplets around the rim of the pail.
    â€œWill the animals be warm enough in the barn?”
    â€œ Ja, for sure. They’ll keep each other warm.” Levi finished his cookie and took another from the tin Ruthy had set on the table. “I hope no one was caught out in this storm, though. It would be dangerous to be out there tonight.”
    â€œDo you think that’s a possibility?” Ruthy warmed up Levi’s cup with fresh coffee. “Wouldn’t everyone have known the storm was coming, like you did, and stayed home?”
    â€œWhat is wrong?”
    Levi took a swallow of coffee. “I’m just a worrier, I suppose. This isn’t a fit night for anyone to be out.”
    â€œIf anyone is caught out in the storm, they would see the lights of a house, for sure, and find their way to shelter.”
    â€œYou’re right....” Levi didn’t sound convinced as he sipped his coffee.
    The boys joined the rest of the children around the stove in the front room while Ruthy opened jars of canned beef she had brought up from the cellar. She went through the supper menu in her mind. Beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, bread, crackers, pickles and the pies she and Martha had made yesterday would make a good meal.
    â€œDat,” Nathan said, coming into the kitchen. “Did we leave a light on in the barn?”
    â€œNe.” Levi rose from his seat and peered out the window next to the table, shielding his eyes against the light behind him.
    â€œI thought I saw a light through

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