Morning Star: Book III of the Red Rising Trilogy
really want to know,youshouldaskyourmother.”
    Vannostaresatmeintensely,thenexplodesintolaughter.Hisbedmateslaughandspreadthejoketo the far edges of the room. And in that tiny moment, the mood shifts. The suffocating sterility cut throughwithamusementandcrudejokes.Whisperingsuddenlyseemsridiculoushere.Itfillsmewith energytoseetheshiftingtideandrealizeit’sbecauseofasinglelaugh.Insteadofretreatingfromthe eyes, from the room, I move away from Ragnar down the lines of cots to mingle more with the injured, to thank them, to ask where they’re from and learn their names. And this is where I thank JovethatI’veagoodmemoryonme.Forgetaman’snameandhe’llforgiveyou.Rememberit,and
    MostcallmesirorReaper.AndIwanttocorrectthemandtellthemtocallmeDarrow,butIknow the value of respect, of distance between men and leader. Because even though I’m laughing with them,eventhoughthey’rehelpinghealwhat’sbeentwistedinsideme,theyarenotmyfriends.They are not my family. Not yet. Not until we have that luxury. For now, they are my soldiers. And they needmeasmuchasIneedthem.I’mtheirReaper.IttookRagnartoremindme.Hefavorsmewithan ungainlygrin,sopleasedtoseemesmilingandlaughingwiththesoldiers.I’veneverbeenamanof joyoramanofwar,oranislandinastorm.NeveranabsolutelikeLorn.ThatwaswhatIpretended tobe.Iamandalwayshavebeenamanwhoismadecompletebythosearoundhim.Ifeelstrength
    growing in myself. A strength I haven’t felt in so long. It’s not only that I’m loved. It’s that they believeinme.NotthemasklikemysoldiersattheInstitute.NotthefalseidolIbuiltintheserviceof Augustus,butthemanbeneath.Lykosmaybegone.Eomaybesilent.Mustangaworldaway.Andthe
    Sons on the brink of extinction. But I feel my soul trickling back into me as I realize I am finally home.
    blueprint. Theodora’s in the corner exchanging correspondences. They turn as I enter, surprised to
    seethesmileonmyfaceandtoseethatI’mnowstanding.Notonmyown,butwithRagnar ’shelp.I left the chair in the hospital and had him guide me back to the command room I fled only an hour prior.Ifeelanewman.AndImaynotbewhatIwasbeforethedarkness,butperhapsI’mbetterforit.
    “I’m sorry for how I acted,” I say to my friends. “This has been…overwhelming. I know you’ve donethebestyoucan.Betterthananyonecould,giventhecircumstances.You’veallkepthopealive.
    wrathandfire.ButI’mnotwhatIwas.I’mjustnot,”IsayasSevrotriestocorrectme.“Itrustyou.I trustyourplans.IwanttohelpinwhateverwayIcan.ButIcan’thelpyoulikethis.”Iholdupmythin arms.“SoIneedyourhelpwiththreethings.”
    “Butshedidnot,” Ragnarsays. “Itisworththerisk,ifshewillhelpus.Iwillgoasemissaryso shedoesnotdoubtourintentions.”
    “We’ll send one of my spies,” Theodora says. “I have one in mind. She’s good, and a hundred kilogramslessconspicuousthatyou,PrinceoftheSpires.Thegirl’sinaportcityalready.”
    Even ones that weren’t hers. She’s been very helpful. Dancer, I’ll make the arrangements for travel

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