Morning Star

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Book: Morning Star by Marian Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marian Wells
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you’ve begun teaching something the brethren are calling the spiritual wife doctrine. I—”
    Joseph’s chair thumped to the floor and with a scowl, he leaned toward Mark. “I’ve inquired of the Lord. Of course I knew the gossip. The Lord assures me that I have not committed adultery. Mark, judge not. If you are to remain in the good graces of the church, sooner or later you must receive this doctrine. The spirit tells me you are not sufficiently righteous to receive it now. Until that time, I suggest you join the Lodge and take up your religion.”
    â€œWhat are you referring to?”
    â€œI’ve been advised you display no interest in becoming acquainted with the endowments and, specifically, baptism for the dead.”
    â€œYou know I don’t believe that way.”
    For a moment Mark was pierced by Joseph’s questioning look. Then the Prophet said, “Mark, I’m considering sending out another group of missionaries. It’s being made clear to me that I’m to gather money from all the people before the Nauvoo House can be completed.”
    Mark jumped to his feet, anger surging through him. Joseph’s message was very clear. As Mark opened his mouth, there came the clear picture of Jenny’s ravaged face and terror-filled eyes. Slowly he turned to pace the room.
    On his second trip back across the room, there was a tap on the door as it was shoved open. William Smith stood there, wearing a wide, lazy grin. “Gentleman wantin’ to see my esteemed brother, the Prophet. Better not keep him waiting; he looks important.”
    Joseph hurried out of the room and Mark slowly extended his hand. “Hello, William. I don’t believe I’ve had a chance to talk to you since Missouri days. Is your family well?”
    William nodded. There was a question in his eyes as he turned to survey the room. “I hear you’re Joseph’s lawyer. Didn’t know you were here. Sorry for exploding in.” A low grin moved across his face. “Keep hoping I’ll catch him teaching some lovelies the secrets of the kingdom.”
    Mark ignored the remark and said, “I understand you’ve been involved in mission work. What do you think about the climate out there? Are people being attracted to Joseph, or is it the promise of land and freedom?”
    William shrugged, still wearing his gleeful grin, and pushed on. “What do you think about the new doctrine?”
    Mark replied, “I know absolutely nothing about it.”
    For a moment he looked disappointed and the glee disappeared, leaving his face surprisingly thoughtful. “Hyrum was terribly against it in the beginning. Don Carlos told me before he died that Joseph had prophesied to Hyrum there would be a witness given to him about the rightness of the doctrine. Well, sure enough, he got it.” He paused to scratch his shaggy thatch of hair and pace the room.
    His face was now very sober, nearly frighteningly so, Mark saw with surprise. Fastening Mark with a steely gaze he said, “’Tis upsetting to say the least, but the Book of Mormon —”
    Joseph stepped through the door. He eyed William as the unfinished sentence hung in the silence. Glancing sharply from William to Mark, he said, with his voice cold and level, “And just what about the Book of Mormon , my dearly beloved brother? Just what had you in mind to say to Attorney Cartwright?”
    Astonished, Mark looked at William and saw the sober expression replaced with wicked glee. His lips were twisted in derision. Abruptly he laughed and turned toward the door.
    With a quick movement, Joseph was there. “Not so fast.” His hand grasped William’s shirt and twisted, pulling the big man closer. “William, you are not keeping your part of the bargain. I suggest you snug up your religion good and tight. You may need it more than you think you do.” With a thrust he propelled his brother

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