More Than I Wanted

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Book: More Than I Wanted by Ava Catori Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Catori
him, feel him,
and taste his sweet skin.
returned the soft kisses to his neck, his chest, and then back up to
his lips. What started as a gentle softness was now a passionate
desire. Our mouths ached to fill a need, and as our tongues explored,
our hands skimmed over one another.
fingers gripped the material of my shirt, and slowly inching it
higher, I held my breath waiting to feel his touch. My breasts were
partially exposed, hidden in my bra and showcasing my cleavage.
Tucking his face between my breasts, he tenderly licked my skin
before finishing the task of removing my shirt.
moans and gasps bounced between us, a powerful lust sneaking out.
Reaching around he helped me release my bra, and slipping it off I
tossed it gently aside. His mouth and hands were attentive, wanting
to please me. I sucked in as he wrapped his lips around my nipple,
and sank into the feeling of my body’s pleasure.
breath was warm and his actions soft. Closing my eyes, I lingered in
the sensations he offered. My flesh was alive with electricity.
moved back to the bed and sprawled across the covers, desperately
needing one another. Our body heat sizzled. Licking his skin, he
tasted salty, and I bathed him with small kisses.
weren’t in a hurry. There was no rush to strip off the
remainder of our clothing, instead only a slow, sensual burn that
pulsed from inside. Embracing my lover, everything felt right.
hands rested on the small of my back, but slowly inched lower until
his hands were cupping my ass. A gentle squeeze, a grope, and our
kisses great more heated. Softly grinding into him, my hips took on a
life of their own, wanting to move in a steady rhythm. I desperately
wanted to feel him inside of me.
me, take away my pain, and make it all better. I still had today,
and I wasn’t letting go – not this time. We would bond
our reunion, coming together as one, and test our faith as a couple.
rolled off of Austin onto my back and unbuttoned my jeans, pushing
the zipper lower. Lifting my hips, I shifted out of my clothing,
pulling my panties off with the denim of my slacks.
did the same, and together we crawled under the covers, lifting them
over us and snuggling in close. Pressed together in a naked embrace,
we wrapped around one another.
so glad you’re here,” I said, grateful he saw past my
earlier conclusions. “I’m so glad you’re giving us
another chance.” I didn’t know if I was saying enough, or
too little. I had little control over the thoughts spilling out of
me. “Please don’t let me do something so stupid again.”
I’m here now. It’s behind us. We can weather this
together.” His words soothed me, and I was finally comfortable
that this wasn’t a dream. He was truly here.
I said. Leaning in, I kissed his sweet lips.
bodies knew what to do, and with our legs tangled under the sheets,
we shifted just enough to bond intimately.
strong arms lifted me back onto him, and slowly I pushed myself up,
sitting on him. Sharing together, slow and steady movements, enjoying
the pleasures of the flesh, our hips met, pressing, grinding, and
taking us closer to the edge.
watched his eyes, not wanting to look away. The connection between us
was deep, and I felt like our relationship was moving to another
level. We both felt the love; it was obvious that something had

Chapter 15

planned a weekend away, a romantic rendezvous at a little bed and
breakfast at the shore. It was easily within driving distance. We
decided to leave on a Friday night and would have until Sunday
afternoon before we’d have to leave. Poking around online
together, we found a charming place called The Sandcastle. We planned
around his schedule and it looked like we’d be able to go the
following weekend.
down to the beach was relaxing; the normal summer crowd was nowhere
to be seen. It was off season and cooler weather, so a lot of

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