More Than Great Riches

More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Page B

Book: More Than Great Riches by Jan Washburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Washburn
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trembling. I
     don’t know who that awful man was, but he said he wanted to buy my car. I can’t believe he
     offered to pay fifteen thousand dollars for it.
    Fifteen thousand! Leif exploded. Either he’s totally insane or he’s playing some crooked
    Tracy nodded. She seemed to be recovering her composure. I knew that didn’t make sense. I
     don’t believe it was the car he really wanted. Do you think he’s the man who broke into my
    Sorting through the possibilities, Leif turned on the ignition. I got his tag number.
     Maybe that will tell us something. The fingerprints we took after the break-in were no
     help. All the prints Will lifted were either yours or Jeff’s.
    I’m ashamed to be such a wimp, she apologized, but that break-in left me hanging on by my
     A stranger would be terrifying to a woman alone in an isolated house that had just been
     invaded by a burglar. That would drive anyone over the edge. You should get a dog.
    Tracy managed a half-hearted laugh. You sound like Maggie.
    Maggie’s a smart lady, he reminded her.
     As they drove through town, he sensed her uneasiness. He needed to take her mind off her
     strange visitor. Can we drive into Boston Tuesday to see Jeff?
     Leif, she protested, you don’t have to play chauffeur anymore. I should have my car back
     I’m not just playing chauffeur. I want to check on Jeff again. It doesn’t make sense for
     us to drive to Boston in separate cars. What he didn’t say was, I enjoy being with you.
     She hesitated. You’re right. I just pray there’s some sign of improvement. It’s so
     disheartening to see him lying there, barely alive.
     Just try to remember that sense of peace we felt the last time we were there. I know God
     was telling us that Jeff would come through this. His words seemed to have the right
     effect. She sank back in her seat.
     Did you find Jeff’s auto insurance information for Bradford? He watched for her reaction
     to the mention of the lawyer’s name.
     Yes, I found the policy. I need to drop it off at his office. Judge Whitby, the guardian
     ad litem, came to interview me Friday afternoon. I have a feeling he’s not going to
     recommend me to be Jeff’s conservator. I’m afraid I’ll have to keep on putting up with
    Leif suppressed a smile of satisfaction. So she didn’t enjoy dealing with Bradford. That
     was a plus. He breathed easier as he turned the SUV into the parking lot at Fisherman’s
     Landing. It was crowded on Easter Sunday afternoon. He drove as close as possible to the
     employees’ side door entrance.
     Tracy gave him a grateful smile. He felt that smile all the way down to his boots.
    Thanks for the millionth time, Leif. Maggie will pick me up after work. I won’t need taxi
     service much longer.
    Leif felt a jab of regret—not because that would reduce his chances of keeping an official
     eye on her, but because driving Tracy anywhere brightened his day. You know you’re always
    By the way, she teased, if you’re considering a career change, you can give Yellow Cab my
     name as a reference.
    You’re so kind, he retorted as she climbed down from her seat. I’ll see you Tuesday.
    He waited as she disappeared into the restaurant. He was a coward. He couldn’t bring
     himself to tell Tracy that he turned down the court’s request to act as Jeff Dixon’s
     guardian ad litem. Of course, he didn’t really know Tracy then. He had just met her, but
     he felt he was too personally involved with the family. Conducting a fair and impartial
     investigation wasn’t possible. Based on hard cold facts, along with the rumors that
     circulated around her, how could he recommend her to the court?
    So, Judge Whitby had taken on the job. The judge would have to be the one to shoot down
     her hopes.
     Tracy Dixon, he thought, you’ve got me going in circles. I want to believe in you. Are
     you really an

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