More Than a Mistress
his embrace, clutched at the front of his robe with desperate fingers in case she collapsed to the floor on legs weak with relief.
    She let her senses drift on the pleasure of his kiss, the lovely feel of his body hard against hers, the intruding thigh between her legs, the large hands roaming her body at will.
    Ever since he had caressed her feet in the billiard room, her body had been on fire, her mind a senseless mess of conflicting and confusing thoughts. She wanted this, even if she was beyond the pale to him except in this most basic of passions.
    Tonight she would have her desires fulfilled and out of the way, so she could plan how next to proceed without regret for what might have been.
    His tongue licked her lips and pressed against the seam of her mouth. She opened to him, tasted brandy smoky on her tongue.
    Her breasts felt heavy and full, the place between her thighs moist and tingling; she tilted her hips, increasing the pressure of his thigh and was rewarded by his brief indrawn breath.
    She uncurled her fingers from the fabric of his robe and slipped them beneath, to run her hands over his broad expanse of chest.
    She’d seen much of him in the billiard room and again as he lay naked on his bed with his eyes closed.
    She’d been surprised but grateful for the candles’ revealing light. His body was gorgeous, his male member thick and large; she could feel it now pressing against her lower abdomen as his hand brushed up from the indentation at her waist to cover her breast.
    She let go a long sigh of pleasure and a satisfied sound of male approval rumbled in his chest.
    It sent a shiver down her spine.
    Her fingers splayed across the warm silken skin of his chest, felt the roughness of hair and the puckered skin of his scar.
    She longed to touch it with her tongue, taste it with her lips, but right now his mouth was taking her senses to new heights of arousal. She slipped her hands up to his shoulders and thrust her tongue in his mouth.
    He groaned and swept her up in his arms, breaking the kiss. She looked up into his face.
    ‘My bed or yours?’ he asked.
    ‘Yours.’ She laughed. ‘It is closer.’
    ‘A sensible woman indeed,’ he murmured, his dark eyes hazy with passion and glinting with amusement.
    He was so bloody handsome. It wasn’t fair.
    But he was hers for now. And she would make the most of the one night he’d granted. He frowned.
    Had he sensed her regrets?
    She smiled and licked her lips. ‘What now, you great gormless statue?’
    At that he threw back his head and laughed out loud. He strode for the bed, pressing her back against the mattress, and gazed into her face. ‘Did I tell you how much I adore that tongue of yours?’
    ‘For what it says?’ she asked, fluttering her lashes. ‘Or what it can do?’
    ‘Hades,’ he muttered under his breath and swooped down for a kiss. Their mouths melded, blissfully fitting together. Her thoughts scattered as he plundered her mouth and she clasped her hands around the back of his neck, holding him tight, as she devoured the slick silkiness of his tongue in her mouth. She sucked.
    He stilled.
    Had she been too bold? Gone too far? Would he think her completely wanton? Her heart beat hard against her chest as he broke the kiss. She let her hands fall away as he drew back, his low-lidded gaze sweeping her body, his lips curving in a sensual smile of approval. ‘You are a feast for the senses.’
    The words struck a chord low in her belly. Flutters tormented her feminine core. What was he waiting for? Suddenly shy, she twisted her fingers in the curls falling over her shoulder, staring at the strong column of throat emerging from his robe, at the rise of his angular cheekbones. In daylight they made his face look hard and stern, but now they made him look like a fallen angel.
    Her angel. For one night. A yearning she did not expect pulled at her heart. Such yearning had no place in her life. She pushed it away and opened her arms to him.

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