Moontide Embrace (Historical Romance)
have the gentlemen aware of her accomplishments. Even though she was a mere child, he found her fascinating. "What else does your mother say, little Liberty?"
    "Her mother says children should be seen and not heard." A musical voice spoke up just behind Judah. Liberty felt her heart thud as she saw her sister standing under the moon's glow, looking like a beautiful princess. "Her mother says that she should not pester the adults."
    Judah turned, not at all pleased with the way this woman had embarrassed and humiliated Liberty. He was about to voice his displeasure when his eyes fell on Bandera, and all else was pushed from his mind. Her dark hair seemed to shimmer in the moonlight, as did her bright red gown, and her creamy skin was like alabaster. His heart hammered in his temples as she smiled at him.
    "Has my sister been annoying you?"
    "To the contrary; I find her enchanting."
    Liberty knew she might have been on the moon for all Bandera and Judah cared. Liberty saw the way her sister's eyes assessed their guest, and she knew Bandera was on the trail of another conquest. She quickly glanced up at Judah, hoping he could see through her sister's practiced ploys. But like a man caught in a dream, Judah released Liberty's hand and gravitated toward Bandera.
    "Liberty, where are your manners?" Bandera scolded. "You have not yet introduced me to your friend."
    Liberty bit back her disappointment. Now was not the time to act like a spoiled child. "This is Sebastian's cousin, Judah Slaughter. Monsieur Slaughter, meet my sister, Bandera."
    "Ah, yes, the sister." Clicking his heels together, Judah bowed from the waist, not in mockery as he had earlier with Liberty, but with politeness and gallantry. "I believe I am in the presence of Good Queen Bess."
    Bandera's eyes sparkled with renewed fascination as she stared at the handsome stranger. She could feel her pulse racing as his eyes moved over her face with evident attentiveness. "So," she breathed, "you are Sebastian's cousin."
    "I am."
    She circled slowly around him, her eyes taking in the cut of his coat, the breath of his shoulders. Magnetism seemed to ooze from every pore of his body. Bandera's movements were graceful, practiced to draw a man's eyes, and she definitely had drawn Judah's attention. When at last she stopped in front of him, knowing he was attracted to her, she smiled. "You do not look like a Montesquieu."
    "I am not. I am a Slaughter."
    Bandera licked her lips, making them moist and soft, then tapped her black satin fan against her open palm. Both gestures caught Judah's attention. "Sebastian is worried lest you came to steal away his inheritance. Need he be?" Her voice was low and musical. He did not see the urgency in her eyes as she waited for an answer to her question.
    "Sebastian need have no fear of me. I will not be staying long enough to take anything away from him."
    Bandera's thick lashes fluttered, and she met Judah's brilliant turquoise gaze. "Has Sebastian nothing that would interest you?"
    His eyes swept across her face to light on her parted lips. "Perhaps, but it has nothing to do with money."
    Low laughter trilled from Bandera's throat. "You will have this country girl's heart  all atwitter,  Monsieur Slaughter." His smile took her breath away.
    "Indeed, that might well be my intention."
    Her eyes coyly dropped, and she held out a delicate hand. "You danced with my sister, Monsieur. Will you not also dance with me?"
    "Indeed Mademoiselle, it would be my pleasure."
    Bandera gave her sister a tight smile as she placed her hand on Judah's arm. With a feeling of helplessness, Liberty watched the two of them walk toward the house. She had just met this man who set her heart on fire, and Bandera was stealing him away. How could she ever hope to compete with her beautiful sister? Why did Judah not see that Bandera was playing a game with him? She had hoped he would be different from all the other gentlemen that trailed after Bandera—but apparently

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