Money & Love Don't Mix
at the Clayton County Jail. To accept this call press one, to reject this call press—” This time he accepted and snapped his fingers twice at his goons signaling them to get on point as he quickly told them.
                  “Hey, Hey! Hurry and Google Sean Bradley locked up at Clayton County Jail and let me know what you get ese!”
                  With thoughts of Sean Bradley being the other guy that had robbed him along with Smoke and Dre, but ended up getting caught as he saw the news. However, that thought exited his mind as soon as they finished checking the name and showed him a picture of Slick who was in Clayton County charged with a load of white collar crimes.
                  Then he slammed the phone on the floor, got on his knees and started choking Dre telling him, “So you motherfuckers think you’re gonna shoot me, rob me and my brother and then act like y’all can’t speak?!”
                  He grabbed the machete off the floor, raised to his feet and swung at Dre. The shot he took sliced completely through his shirt, leaving a deep laceration in the middle of his chest as he gritted his teeth trying to keep from revealing the pain he was in.
                  ‘You know you…one tough…motherfucker Punta!” he mentioned while hitting lines of cocaine. “You know what though Punta, since you so tough…I’m not gonna…kill you perro puto’s right now;but I got another idea in mind. How bout we see how tough ya’ll bitches really are see I could just kill y’all now that I have complete control. But that’ll only take the fun away from everything…Before we get done torturing you perro puto’s y’all gonna wish y’all told me what I wanted to hear a long time ago, you high de tu puta perra madre!”
                  The three of them laughed as they headed out of the basement. On  the way out the goons spotted a Louisville slugger by the door, grabbed it, as they took turns pounding on Smoke and Dre’s body brutally leaving them both with fractured ribs, busted kneecaps, and their faces badly bruised, then they cut the lights off and left the basement.

    Chapter 10
    Detective Sims escorted Trouble inside the jail where the intake officers strip-searched him, took a mug shot, and fingerprinted him before sending him upstairs to his dorm on the seventh floor. Which was where all the close security inmates who had been charged with severe crimes were being housed. The minute he stepped foot in the dorm he headed straight to his room and unpacked his property.
                  “What’s good my nigga?! Dey call me T rigga I’m yo’ roommate.”
                  “My nigga dey call me Trouble.” He replied as they gave one another some dap, then he made up his bunk, got in it to give his body the rest it was in need of.
                  Click, Click, Click, was the sound of the officer clicking Trouble’s cell door from the control booth early the next morning to get their attention however, Trouble didn’t hear a sound due to him being in a deep sleep and s t ill exhausted from the day before. Therefore, Trigga went to see what they wanted. When he returned he started shaking him.
                  “Yeah what’s up bruh?!” he madly inquired as he rolled to see what he wanted still half sleep.
                  “My bad fo’ waking you up my nigga, but da’ officer just told me you gotta visit.”
                  He was puzzled, wondering why the hell his mom came to visit him knowing he hated being seen at his lowest. But he put his pride to the side, got himself together and headed out to the visitation booth. Once he made it, there sat a middle aged white male wearing a suit looking over a little paperwork. After looking around and noticing that they were the only two in the

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