Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set

Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set by Misty Reigenborn Page B

Book: Misty Reigenborn Romance Boxed Set by Misty Reigenborn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Misty Reigenborn
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    She looked like hell.
    Her hair was a mess.  Her lips were still slightly puffy from the frenzied kissing of the night before.  She had a light hickey above her left breast; one that she had little recollection of him giving her.   Her mouth tasted terrible from the cigarette she'd smoked the night before.
    She groaned, remembering that one of the reasons she'd quit smoking was that she'd wake up with her mouth dry as hell the nights after she'd smoked too much and the taste in her mouth was absolutely revolting.
    She went into the bathroom, using the toilet and washing her hands. She splashed water on her face and helped herself to a capful of the mouth wash beside the sink, rinsing her mouth and spitting into the sink.
    Kimber made a face at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hair back.  She had gone back into the bedroom in search of her clothes, when he walked in with a sexy grin, wearing a pair of faded jeans that hung low on his hips
    "Mornin' beautiful.” He gave her a quick kiss.
    "Morning," she said lightly, fighting with the clasp of her bra.
    He reached around to help her.  She almost moaned at the feeling of his hands on her back. If he did this to her now, she thought, what would it be like after another night together?
    "You really are beautiful.”
    "You aren't so bad yourself.” She stepped into her panties, which she'd found hanging off of the wastebasket.
    "When I woke up this morning and saw you sleeping in my bed, I thought that I could easily imagine waking up beside you every morning.” And then his mouth was on hers again.
    Damn she thought as he pulled back, he was already thinking about a commitment?
    It seemed so fast, and the thought of rushing into another relationship almost turned her stomach.
    But as she looked up at him, standing in his bedroom barefoot, clad in only an old pair of jeans, all bad boy charm, she could easily imagine herself waking up beside him every day, too.
    The thought brought an odd sense of comfort.  Not the nagging sense that she'd always tried to ignore when she was with Orlando, the feeling that she was always waiting for the other shoe to drop, that it had been inevitable for her to find him in bed with someone else.
    The thought of a relationship with Luke was thrilling, and sex was only a part of it.
    As he took her hand and led her towards the kitchen, she knew that she would let nature take its course.  She couldn't let this one get away.

Chapter 15
    Sierra sat up in bed, moving her sleeping boyfriend's arm off of her with a groan as she looked at the clock beside the bed.
    "Damn it.”
    The alarm had failed to go off yet again.  She had little more than half an hour to get to class and Paul had the same to get to work. "Paul, wake up." She nudged him with her bare foot as she climbed out of bed. "The damned alarm clock didn't go off. I told you you needed to get a new one."
    He cracked open one beautifully blue eye and mumbled. "Hmm."
    "Shit.” She reached out to shake him more fully awake. "Alarm clock," she said, as he pulled her down to him. "Work, school, late."
    He sat up, giving her a kiss so wonderful that she was able to forgive his morning breath.
    She pulled away from him, reaching for a cigarette.
    "Sierra." He glared at her as he watched her light up. "You said you were going to quit."
    “Tomorrow, love," she said breezily as she rummaged in the dresser for clothes. The cigarette was clamped in the corner of her mouth as she pulled on panties.
    "You always say that."  He sighed, reaching to pull a pair of slacks out of the closet.
    "Yeah." She fastened her bra. "But I'd be as uptight as you if I quit now.”
    "Bitch.” He shook his head at her as he tightened his belt.
    "Ooh testy this morning, aren't we?” She reached out to ruffle his hair. "You know you love me the way I am."
    "That's not the point. It's bad for you and it stinks."
    "Then I'll smoke outside.”  She stepped into her shoes.

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