Mistress to the Beast
unceremoniously on the bed and then walked over to his closet and pulled out a box he hadn’t used in ages.
    He looked over his shoulder to see her watching him, her expression wary. “What is that?” Her eyes darted from side to side as if she were staking out an escape route.
    “You’ll find out soon enough.”
    She tried to scramble off the bed, but he intercepted her, using his body as a blockade.
    “You’re not going anywhere.” Hunter opened the box and removed a length of nylon rope and then tossed the container aside.
    Lila took a step back. “I won’t let you tie me up.”
    Instead of answering her, he laughed menacingly. “Take off your dress.”
    “No.” She moved further away from him until her back hit the wall.
    Hunter placed the rope on the bed and slowly made his way toward her not stopping until he was only a few inches away.
    She held up her hands. “Okay. I’ll do it.” Her anger was palpable.
    “I’m glad you’re beginning to see things my way,” he taunted.
    “Do I have a choice? If I refused, you’d find a way to bully me into it anyway.”
    “Don’t try to worm your way out of this.”
    “I’m only voicing the truth. You’re a bully and I despise you for it.”
    “You’re starting to sound like a broken record. Do you keep saying it to convince me or yourself? Perhaps you do hate me, but you love what I do to your body, don’t you?”
    She placed her hands over her ears. “Shut up!”
    He grabbed her arms and pulled them down roughly. “Hit a nerve, didn’t I?”
    Lila lashed out at him, her palm connecting with his cheek.
    Hunter closed his eyes against the sting of her blow, almost welcoming the physical pain to replace the internal torment.

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    Eve Vaughn
    She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. “I’m sorry.”
    “I’m sure you’ve been itching to do that for a long time, haven’t you?”
    “I still shouldn’t have done that. I abhor violence.” She trembled and he wondered if it was because she was truly sorry for what she’d done or because she was scared of what he might do to her because of it.
    “I don’t want your apology, I want you to undress. Do it now!”
    Her lips quivered for a moment and she raised that stubborn chin of hers again before reaching behind her and unzipping her dress. She pushed it down until it fell at her feet.
    Looking straight ahead, she balled her fists at her side not attempting to cover her naked flesh.
    Hunter’s dick sprang to attention at the sight of her delectable naked body. It was insane how he could want a woman as much as he did her. “The panties, too.”
    Lila hesitated for the briefest of seconds, but then complied.
    He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the magnificence of her feminine curves, but he wouldn’t allow them to sway him from his course of action. He had to show her who was boss, teach her a lesson. For all the people who’d shunned him, the women who’d hurt him, Lila was the embodiment of them all. So beautiful on the outside, but inside she harbored the heart of the biggest hypocrite.
    “You’re no different from anyone else. When these three months are over, you’ll go back to your life and feel better about yourself because you did a noble thing. I know your kind, Lila Saunders. You’re a do-gooder out tilting at windmills and preaching your
    ‘We are the World’ bullshit. And in the meantime, you sit around patting yourself on the back, wondering how these ignorant people could have possibly gotten along without you. I think it suits your martyr complex to be here right now, doesn’t it? Going toe to toe with the Beast? Do you see yourself as some kind of savior? You’re no better than me.”
    Her mouth opened slightly then closed before she spoke. “That isn’t true.”
    “Of course it is. Even now you can’t stand the sight of me, but that’s okay, because I intend to break you out of the habit.” He retrieved the rope from the bed. “Give

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