Mistress by Marriage

Mistress by Marriage by Maggie Robinson Page B

Book: Mistress by Marriage by Maggie Robinson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Robinson
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
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Caroline had never been quite as indiscreet—nor as demanding—as George’s unwanted wife.
    Would Caro still expect him to provide her with a new schedule once she learned he wasn’t going to leave for the country after all? Could he even stick to a schedule, when every conscious minute of the day included thoughts of her? Resuming his marital rights had only reminded him how empty and dull his life had been without Caro in it. He had been well and truly hoisted on his own petard.
    How ironic that all his future days were to be tied up in the dissolution of a marriage not his own. What it would do to advance his own plight he had no idea. If the government was to rehash the scandal about Queen Caroline and her Italian secretary for the foreseeable future—shades of Mary Queen of Scots!—there might not be opportunity to shoehorn in his own petition.
    Edward let out an uncharacteristic growl. It was followed some seconds later by a gentle knock on his study door.
    He was not in the mood to deal with anything but his own self-pity. “Go away!”
    “It’s only me, Papa. I promise I won’t bother you long.”
    Damn. Only Little Alice, as if there were anything only about her. Edward pinched the space between his brows. At the rate all this was going, he’d wear his skin away. “Come in, then.”
    His daughter peeked around the door. Two dark braids framed her long face, the childish hairstyle at odds with her great height. “Are you angry about something, Papa?”
    “Nothing you’ve done.” He’d never liked either of the damn Georges, not that he’d utter such treason. A Christie would never be such a cretin. “Come in, sit. Li—Allie, what may I do for you this fine day?”
    “It’s raining again, Papa.”
    “I meant—it’s just a turn of phrase, Allie. It’s not necessary for the sun to be shining to be considered a fine day.”
    His daughter looked on solemnly, no doubt thinking he certainly was a cretin. “I should like to make an appointment with you to discuss a very serious matter.”
    “Good heavens. If it’s so serious, we must deal with it now.” He ignored the shooting pain that pierced his skull. His daughter needed him, and he could not fail her.
    “I know you’ve said eavesdroppers get just what they deserve.” She twisted her slender fingers, embarrassed.
    “I eavesdropped—quite by accident—and overheard Neddie and Jack talk about something disgusting.”
    Oh, God. Surely she wasn’t going to ask about the birds and the bees. Beth or her governess should have that subject in hand, should they not? He kept his mouth firmly closed, but nodded.
    “I just can’t believe it,” she continued. “A Christie wouldn’t do such a thing, bring such shame upon the family.”
    Ah. Ned must have bragged about his drunken, debauched night, rubbing Jack’s nose in the fact that he breached Jane Street’s defenses. “Young men are often very foolish, Allie, most especially your elder brother. You must pay no mind to what they do or say.”
    “You’re not young, Papa, you’re old!”
    The pain cleaved his head in two. “I beg your pardon?”
    “Neddie said you’re going to divorce Caroline. We’ll be in all the newspapers. And I’ll never get married, not that anyone will ever want me anyway.”
    There were simply too many ideas to respond to, but he seized upon the one that gave him the most concern. “Allie! You’re not to say such things. You are a lovely girl and will grow into a lovely woman.”
    “Pooh. You have to say that. You’re my father. But don’t change the subject. What about Caroline?”
    “You are too young to understand. You never liked her anyway. I should think you’d be delighted that I’m seeking to formally end my ties with her.”
    “ ‘What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.’ It’s in the Bible, you know.” Her lips pursed primly.
    “A great many things are in the Bible. There is, as I recall, an entire passage

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