Book: MINDY'S MAIL ORDER HUSBAND by Cia Leah Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cia Leah
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church to the buckboard.   “You can tie your horse to the back and ride
with me.”
you.   I’ll be right back.”
climbed up onto the seat, took the reins and waited for him.   She saw the Wilson sisters standing on the
porch of the church staring at her.   She
sure was thankful Brett showed up.  
want me to drive or do you want to?”
can if you like,” she said, scooting over on the seat to give him room.   When he sat beside her, she handed him the
reins.   “We have to go through town that
way to get home.”  
noticed it’s a pretty good sized town when I rode in.”
grown over the past couple years.   When
my Pa came here, there was only a mercantile, a saloon, and a stable.”
you grew up here?”
don’t sound like you like it here very much.”
leaned back against the seat and tried to relax.   “It’s not that.   It’s just
been hard since Pa died a year ago.   The
men don’t want to take orders from a woman and some of them have gotten out of
and drinking.   My pa never would have
tolerated that, but since he died…”
we’ll take care of that.   You’ve got me
now and I demand respect and respect for my wife too.”
smiled.   “I hope we can share the
decisions about the ranch.   Pa always
talked to me about things, even though he made the final decisions.”
that’s how you want it, then that’s the way it will be.”
you.   I know we didn’t have much time to
get to know each other through our letters and I am hoping we can take the time
to get acquainted before…” She felt her face heat with another blush.   That was the problem with being fair
skinned.   She blushed easily and when
she did, it showed.  
chuckled.   “I married you today and I
expect to sleep with my bride.   I told
you that in my letters.”
you did.   I was just hoping…”
a chance, Mindy.   I want a real marriage
from the start and I want children.”
know that’s what you said.   I don’t mean
to be belligerent,” she said, when he held the reins in one hand and put his
arm around her and pulled her close.
are married until death do us part.   I
want a willing wife, a home, and a family.   I thought we suited from our letters and that’s why I answered yours
instead of the others.”
had others vying for your hand in marriage?”
did, but your letters captured my heart.”
didn’t answer him and wondered why he felt like that when she didn’t.   “I didn’t have anyone else to choose from.”
glanced at her.   “I can’t see why
not.   You are a very beautiful woman and
any man would be proud to call you wife.”
only stating a fact.”
watched him out of the corner of her eye, wondering why he even bothered to
answer her letters.   She found herself
boring.   She worked hard day in and day
out, but she didn’t have a bubbly personality or anything.   She was a plain Jane as her pa always used
to tease her.   She jumped when he nudged
her.   “What?”
asked if you needed to stop anywhere for supplies or anything before we head
out of town.”
no.”   She didn’t know what else to
say.   She had

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