Millionaire Husband
wondered how to erase the visual of burying himself inside her, feeling her let go and let him in.
    He didn’t know how he’d do it. He just knew he had to.
    Amy left a bag lunch on the counter for Justin. When she returned that evening, she found it in the exact same spot she’d left it, uneaten. The cookies she’d made for him were also uneaten. When she caught a quick glance inside his room that evening, she spied a dozen stock charts posted on the wall. Remaining in his room, he didn’t show up for dinner or afterward when she could have awkwardly attempted to explain her inexplicable behavior. Perhaps it was best that she hadn’t had an opportunity to explain anything since she wasn’t so sure she understood too much herself right now.
    She only knew there wasn’t much she wouldn’tdo to give her sister’s children a secure home and it felt as if Justin could threaten that goal at the same time he was helping to make it happen. He reminded her she was human, that she was a woman. With no effort at all, he made her aware of how much she could want. He added a dimension to her life that was thrilling and distracting.
    The distracting part bothered her most. What she needed to accomplish was too important to get waylaid by a passion for a man with compelling green eyes and an inner core of power that drew her like a magnet.
    So why was she thinking about him now? she asked herself as she prepared another bag lunch for him. She scowled, then wrapped two cookies in a plastic wrapper and put them in his bag. A vivid memory of Justin, his eyes lit with desire, his body naked as he thrust inside her, flashed across her mind. A rush of heat suffused Amy. Splashing her face with cool water from the water faucet, she decided she might have more in common with Joan of Arc than she’d thought. When it came to Justin, she felt like she was burning at the stake.
    Finding the lunch untouched on the kitchen counter again the following afternoon, Amy reached the conclusion that Justin had put her on ignore. She couldn’t, however, fault him for his treatment of the children. Emily drew some watercolor pictures for the walls of his bedroom as a thank-you for the piano. Amy noticed he praised the little girl for her effort. The boys swarmed around him for attention, and he took them outside to play a quick round of dodge ball.
    She glanced at the lunch she’d left him and made a face. No surprise, but so far she was flunking Wife 101.
    Justin acknowledged Amy with a quick nod as he headed for his room to bury himself in stock charts. Even in a wacky market, the stock charts made a helluva lot more sense than his witchy wife.
    “Kate Hawkins called,” Amy said.
    Justin stopped. “What did she want?”
    “To invite us to a barbecue. I accepted.”
    He nodded slowly.
    “And the local stockbroker’s association called asking whether you preferred beef tenderloin or seafood spinach crepes for the dinner where you’ll be speaking. I told them beef. When the woman learned I was your wife, she invited me to come.”
    “You’d be bored,” he told her.
    She lifted her chin and met his gaze. “I told her to count me in.”
    Irritated and confused, he didn’t bother hiding it. “Why?” he demanded.
    “Careful,” she said with a smile so sweet it made his teeth ache. “I might get the impression you don’t want me to come with you.”
    “Like I got the impression you don’t want to make love with me.”
    Her eyes widened in surprise and color rose in her face. She walked closer to him. “This is obviously difficult for you to understand, but nobody gave me an instruction manual for how to handle this situation. We don’t have a normal relationship, whatever normal is. Believe me, I don’t have one tenth your sexual experience, so if making love with you left me feeling totally unwrapped, it shouldn’t come as a big surprise to anyone. Excuse me if I needed to catch my breath, catch my mind! ” she nearly

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