Spokane a ghost town began their search for a camp while the rest of the militia searched every inch of the small city. After only a week Rick reported back that there were two small camps to the south. The camps were about a mile apart and each was close to the size of the one outside of Coeur D’Alene. The recruits were not battle ready yet but Mike couldn’t handle the thought of waiting to free the prison camps. The original members of the Middle Militia would have one last mission together before operating as part of a larger group. Mike had all original members merge back into Alpha Company and prepare to move out in order to take the camps without having to bring the others before they were healthy enough to fight. Rick briefed the company with a sand table on all aspects of the camps and the best routes to take there. Mike split the company into two sections so that they could take both camps together without giving up the element of surprise and risking the first camp alerting the other. Mike and Steve took half of the company to one camp, while Tom and Mark went to the other. Rick gave half of his snipers to each group and split his scouts between each camp to wait for the assault elements. They wasted no time moving into place. By nightfall both camps were surrounded and the snipers were locked onto their targets. Mike and Steve set their new machine gunners up to lay suppressive fire on the front gate while the rest of their men prepared to storm the camp. Once again watches had been synchronized and at midnight snipers at both camps were alerted to fire by the setting off of flares. Mike watched through his night vision goggles as the snipers took out the towers. He smiled as he saw the tower guard in front of his positions head fly backwards and body collapse. Before the gate guards could react, a quick burst of machine gun fire tore into them and the assault elements rushed to get into the camps. With their newly acquired weapons and equipment the militia stormed into the camps with vengeance. The shots were well aimed and dropping more enemies with each second. A team of machine gunners began tearing into the guards barracks before half of them had even managed to get out of bed, firing so consistently that barely any screams could be heard from inside. Mike ran to the rear of the barracks with Steve following and started picking off the few guards that were trying to escape through the back door. It was a slaughter and Mike couldn’t have been happier. After going through the first camp in Idaho the militia knew what to expect from their enemy and had a guideline of how these camps would have been set up which allowed them to operate much faster and gave them a large confidence in yet another victory. When the fighting was over the militia went right into their assignments of collecting equipment, counting the dead, and handing the guards’ food to the hungry prisoners. Again the stench of death filled the camps. Mike quickly noticed that there were fewer prisoners in the camp he was at than there were in Coeur D’Alene. He walked over to the pit which seemed to be a staple of these camps and realized that most of the camp had already died. All in all there were only a couple hundred badly injured prisoners in each camp but thousands of their dead were piled up, filling multiple pits. The sight of so many dead and the shape of the few living brought sadness over Mike that he had never before experienced. He looked to Steve, “There is no big speech tonight,” Mike said solemnly, “let’s just get these poor people some food and water and let them grieve over their dead.” The people of this camp had been so badly mistreated that the last thing Mike wanted to do was to give some happy recruiting speech. There was no one he could see that could possibly consider doing much besides healing and mourning for quite some time now. Mike left Steve in charge and headed to the second camp to see how bad