he didn’t know it. Neither did the head cheerleader, Heidi, who was Jake’s passionate love affair. I was in a love triangle with two other people who had no idea I even existed. Well, I guess Jake knew me, but that was only because we were both DAs. Otherwise, I was off his radar.
    “Give it up,” Muriel said, patting my shoulder. “You’re too good for him anyway.”
    “Who? Chay?”
    “Now why would your mind automatically go to him? I was talking about Jake. That’s who you were thinking about right? Or… is someone else giving Jake some competition? Maybe, I mean, have you ever thought that dark and brooding might be your thing?” She arched a brow and tapped her pencil against her lips.
    “Pssh, no.” I waved off her words. He was maddening. He didn’t talk, he was a complete loner, and I couldn’t deal with that. It wasn’t like I wanted to be the center of attention—no thank you—but I liked to hang out with my friends. No, definitely not Chay. He was hella smexy, but the last thing I needed was a boyfriend to deal with. I had demons, that was plenty, thank you very much.
    “Hmm, too bad.” Muriel inspected her perfectly painted nails and shrugged a shoulder.
    “Because he hasn’t stopped looking over here since you walked into class this morning,” Muriel answered with a grin.
    “Oh, please. He probably just has the feeling we’re talking about him. Which we are, so let’s change the subject,” I whispered.
    “Let’s not just change the subject, ladies. Let’s stop talking altogether.” Our calculus teacher flung two exams toward us.
    I tried to read the instructor’s mind just in case I was telepathic, since I couldn’t seem to make telekinesis work. No luck..
    I didn’t get a chance to talk to Muriel again until lunch. I had another vision. The poor freshman girl I’d saved from certain embarrassment last week was back on the bullies’ to-embarrass-and-harass list. They just wouldn’t leave her alone.
    This time, I just stood in front of their table with my hands planted on my hips until she passed by.
    As the vision receded, I saw Chay walk toward me. I shot him a glare. I didn’t need his help. Nothing the oafs said about me, or to me, mattered. I was focused on the poor target of their amusement. She didn’t deserve it. I remembered how hard it was being a freshman. She didn’t need any additional heartache.
    When the girl—I’d learned her name was Susie—walked safely by and sat with her friends at the other end of the cafeteria, I gripped the edge of the bullies’ table and leaned forward, showing them just enough cleavage to grab their attention.
    “Listen up. Find someone your own size and low IQ to pick on, but leave that freshman alone,” I said quietly.
    “Or what?” the biggest idiot asked.
    “I’ll hurt you.”
    The hulking teenager stood to his full height. He was a good head taller than I was and twice as wide. My first instinct was to apologize, beg forgiveness, and run away. But I stood my ground.
    “Oh, sit down before you embarrass yourself,” I snapped, thankful my voice didn’t quiver. “I’ve got a brown belt in Tae Kwon Do, and I’ve studied Krav Maga. Your dumb ass doesn’t scare me.” Smirking, I walked away. I had to remind myself to walk, not run, to where Muriel sat.
    “What’s going on?” she asked.
    “Oh, they have this thing for little Susie Freshman over there. I keep having visions of them doing embarrassing things to her, and I’m sick of them. The visions make me feel weird and tire me out, and the boys make my skin crawl. So I just told them to back off.” I shrugged a shoulder, unwrapped my chicken salad sandwich, and pulled the sides of the bread apart to inspect it before taking a bite.
    “That wasn’t very smart.” I knew the voice instantly. I didn’t have to look up to know I’d see the oddest eyes looking at me. Not quite blue and not quite green. Chay.
    “I had to do

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