Midnight in Montmartre: A French Kiss Sweet Romance

Midnight in Montmartre: A French Kiss Sweet Romance by Chloe Emile Page B

Book: Midnight in Montmartre: A French Kiss Sweet Romance by Chloe Emile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chloe Emile
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initials on it. She couldn't look into his eyes for long.
    "Come into my office."
    She followed him as he opened the door and turned the lights on. Even though she'd been in his office before, this time the room felt sterile and cold. The desk was made of glass, and the chairs were stainless steel and black leather. It was classic, sleek, and modern, like the male version of Beth's office. Mia had the urge to run out of there.
    He closed the door behind them. She sat down while he went around to sit behind his desk.
    "I wanted to talk to you about Friday night," he said slowly.
    Luc looked uncomfortable. What if he wanted to reprimand her or even fire her? If she'd known he had the hots for Beth, she wouldn't have been so careless.
    He opened his mouth to speak again, looking as if he was choosing his words carefully.
    "I'm really upset about what happened, too," she blurted out. "We're both professionals, and I shouldn't have gotten drunk enough to do something utterly regrettable. We were caught up in the excitement, with the campaign and everything. It was just one too many drinks. I'm so sorry. I just want to be clear that it was nothing but a misunderstanding."
    "Oh." Luc looked surprised. He was silent for a moment.
    Mia braced herself. She looked away.
    "Okay," he said slowly. "I'm glad we got that sorted out."
    "Let's just forget it ever happened," Mia said. "I'm very good, you know, at forgetting things."
    "Really?" Luc looked at her with a serious expression. "The history buff?"
    Mia gulped. "I remember what I want to remember, and I can let go of the rest. Free the brain up for what's important, right?"
    "Right." His voice was grave. "I guess you’ve said all there is to say."
    "No hard feelings?"
    "None." His smile was bittersweet. "We have a lot of work to do on the campaign, and we've gotten along professionally so far. I'm sorry if I have offended you—”
    "No, no," Mia protested. "It was entirely my fault. You were a gentleman. Again, I'm really sorry." She got up. "Well, I should get back to my desk and start working. I'm sure you have a lot to catch up with this morning."
    "Okay." He gave her a strange look.
    She scurried to the door, not wanting to spend another second in that room with him, with the rejection of the whole humiliating situation.
    She went back into the break room to make herself another espresso.
    "I need something stronger than this," she muttered.

Chapter 16
    W hen Mia left Luc's office, his tie felt too tight, choking into his skin. His neck itched. He grabbed at the knot and pulled it away from his neck, but even with the tie loosened, he still felt as if he was being choked.
    He realized that his whole body had tensed up. It was probably its way of forming a big, heavy scab around his heart.
    Luc was at least thankful that he'd been sitting down when Mia crushed him with her sharp words. At least he couldn't keel over while sitting in a heavy, industry-standard office chair.
    The world really did revolve around women. They could build a man or destroy him. When he had awakened that morning, he hadn't expected the rejection to be so brutal. He hadn't expected rejection, period. His future with Mia had been so clear to him.
    He had been planning on asking her out on a real date. He would've cooked for her, taken her out to a park for a picnic, perhaps along the Seine River, at the Tuileries, or Luxembourg Gardens. Something easygoing yet romantic, so they could talk and get to know each other even more.
    The first date would lead to the second date and the second date the third. He could see them falling in love, moving in together. She'd move to Paris to be with him permanently because he would propose...
    Perhaps he had really gotten ahead of himself. When was he going to learn to separate fantasy from reality?
    Now that he knew how Mia really felt about the kiss, he was glad that he'd restrained himself from calling her during the weekend.
    "I remember what I

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