Messages from the Deep
clinic’s emergency area. A ‘patient’ is brought in so
that each candidate, in turn and unseen by the others , is asked by
a doctor, “What diagnosis seems likely at first inspection?” and,
“What treatment seems best?” The first patient is a classic First
Aid case, an apparent deep cut to the arm which is bleeding
profusely. When the doctor asks the first question to the first
candidate, a somewhat over-confident young man, he takes one look
at the blood-like substance dripping on the floor, starts swaying
on his feet and, with his legs starting to buckle, has to be
ushered to a chair.
    “Based on all the votes cast, the top 10 for
promotion are Mariada de Villiers…” As this is shown, her parents
can’t contain their excitement and they leap around the lounge,
shouting and laughing.
    Her parents are back for each week’s
announcements for the next nine weeks.
    “Week two was about the technical knowledge
and abilities of the 90 candidates left and covered areas like
fixing and making mechanical and electronic equipment, hydrology
and plumbing, gardening and so on. It soon showed us that some are
all thumbs and are eliminated, while others have green thumbs and
earn a promotion.”
    Some candidates are in a large, enclosed
‘tunnel garden’, with transparent sides and roof, such as is used
to grow tropical plants. One candidate nearly cuts off her thumb,
while another has invented a good system for watering all the
plants with minimal effort.
    “Week three was a week-long encounter group,
where the 80 candidates were divided into eight groups of 10 who
almost never left each other alone day and night, and were told to
share their feelings about themselves and each other. We had some
encounters which led to an angry outburst and an instant red card
and others where things got too hot with some close
    One group of 10 is in a room only slightly
larger than the area taken by the 10 mattresses they use to sit and
sleep on. There are no windows, only an air conditioner, and the
lighting is harsh. A door leads to the bathroom with two toilets,
basins and showers, and the other door leads to a small dining room
and then a door outside, which is ‘no-man’s land’ for the week. An
older man is shown shouting angrily at another, waving his fists as
though about to throw a punch. An official is shown escorting him
out. Two younger women are shown doing a bit more than cuddling up
after the lights are dimmed. They are confronted about this
transgression the next morning.
    “Week four was a series of obstacle courses
where the 70 candidates, in seven groups, had to solve problems and
show resilience, patience and stamina in difficult situations. Some
panicked while others were too cool.”
    One group is negotiating an obstacle course
with various challenges, such as is used by military trainees. They
reach a wall which looks about 4m high and needs to be crossed by
the whole team. Two of the members calmly take charge and help to
make a pyramid with five members, and the other five then climb up
them and over the top. It is clear that some hate heights and
freeze with fright, while others act rashly.
    “Week five was spent in Dome Town in Hawaii
on the slopes of a volcano. The settlement was divided into three
separate villages for the 60 left, and was a simulation of a
settlement on Mars. Candidates needed to continue with the planning
and management of all daily activities, such as using melted ice to
make hydrogen and oxygen for the air to breathe, growing food in
gardens, and recycling all waste and using it to fertilise the
    One village has too many cooks who spoil the
broth by trying to boss everyone around, without doing any work
themselves. When nothing works properly, they blame everyone
    “Week six was spent in the Himalayas, to test
reactions at high altitudes, with low oxygen levels and in sub-zero
temperatures. Some of the brightest intellects became

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