Mercenary's Reward

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Book: Mercenary's Reward by Stephanie Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Snow
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hours she found herself hustled out of the forest and into a strange world of flying machines.
    Jai was grim faced and moved with an urgency she instinctively mirrored. It was only when they were ascending into space that the enormity of it hit her. Onboard the stark vessel that had lifted off from the planet's surface with a rush of fire, she watched her world become nothing but a ball of light in the vast sea of space. The stars that had once filled her night sky were suddenly all around them.
    Mieli knew without being told that they were being smuggled away. Whether it was because of her presence or something Jai had done, their departure was eloquently clandestine. Now, alone with Jai in what appeared to be a cargo vessel, she wished desperately that she could ask him where they were going. Any information at all might ease the sudden trepidation she felt.
    It wasn't Jai that made her fearful. She honestly believed he would do what was in her best interest. Mieli trusted him, but she had begun to doubt her own ability to adapt to a strange new world. How would she learn his language? What if she made a mistake and he got in trouble for helping her? Useless worries plagued her, and she focused on the shimmering stars outside her window as a distraction.
    THE SEATS WERE not comfortable in the slightest, but then, weapons ships were not designed for the transportation of passengers. The pilot was being paid to look the other way—literally, since he hadn't seen either of them when they boarded and would be in the flight pit when they disembarked.
    Jai was nervous about their next flight as it meant they had to depart this ship and sneak onto a civilian carrier that would take them to the large port at Herv III. From there, Jai was responsible for securing their passage to Raston, where his own small ship waited, along with what possessions he had.
    From the corner of his eye, he watched Mieli in her seat. She looked far more comfortable than he, but her small frame was not wedged into the chair like his was. He'd put her closest to the round window, and she'd never once moved her gaze from the view. Not for the first time, Jai wondered what she was thinking.
    Reminded again of the language barrier, he frowned as he realized that there would be little time for teaching her Tribe Standard. He had powerful and dangerous enemies, and he must eliminate the threat they posed. Finding time for teaching Mieli the language was a luxury he couldn't yet afford.
    Before they'd left Mieli's planet, Tarin had given him as much data as he could, including the transmission logs from his commander's ship in the days prior to the crash. Hopefully, there would be some clue to the identity of his saboteur.
    Tarin had not, by word or look, betrayed any emotion at their parting. The interlude between them had already begun to take on a dreamlike quality, and it was difficult to wrap his mind around the depth of feeling the other man had confessed to. As pleasurable as it had been, it was still nothing compared to the intensity of desire Mieli inspired in him.
    Of course, there had been something about Tarin. It was not the same with Mieli—she was tiny and delicate, arousing all of his protective instincts. Tarin was his equal, at no disadvantage, and capable of giving as good as he got. What transpired between them had happened because Jai wanted it too. Truthfully, he didn't know if he would turn down an opportunity to do it again.
    Jai felt no guilt or remorse over what they had done but wondered for the first time what Mieli would think. He had no way to tell her even if he'd wanted to, but a sudden image of himself, on his knees in front of Tarin rose in his mind. Jai felt his cock stiffen as he pictured Mieli watching him suck that huge shaft, maybe even touching herself as she had done in the forest.
    Unable to thrust the fantasy away, he unbuckled his harness and Mieli's as well. She gave a little smile when she turned and saw the rigid

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