Ménage for the Night
that’s a rhetorical question, as you already know
the reason, James.’
    ‘Well of course I do, I just wondered if you did,’ he
smiled. I shook my head, between him and my best friend they seemed determined
to force me to deal with my inappropriate feelings for Summer. The Dalton Hotel
had always been my go to hotel in London for clients, unless their fantasy
didn’t involve a hotel bed, but since that night with Summer, I couldn’t bring
myself to take anyone else there. Like fucking someone else in the bed where
we’d first made love, where I’d first made love instead of just fucking,
would dilute those memories I had left of the best night of my damn life.
    ‘Then let’s just leave it that we both do then, shall we?’ I
    ‘Didn’t mean to overstep, Sir.’
    ‘Please, I thought you were taught better poker face skills
than that in the military,’ I laughed.
    ‘You don’t like her enough to pursue her?’
    ‘She doesn’t like me enough to be pursued.’
    ‘And how would you know if you haven’t tried? In order to
fail at something, one must first attempt to succeed.’
    ‘Watch out James, they’ll be building some Tibetan temple
and a bronze statue of you somewhere, for people to worship at, if you carry on
with pearls of wisdom like that.’
    ‘Are you calling me a fat Buddha, Sir?’
    ‘No one in their right mind would dare to, with your combat
training,’ I grinned. ‘Miss Beresford is too nice for the likes of me, James.
She’s pure and innocent and a man like me would only corrupt and taint her.’
    ‘I thought you’d already … tainted her, Sir,’ James
coughed. ‘Besides, wouldn’t it be better for her to be with a decent honourable
man like you, than someone else who may not place her welfare as their top
    ‘And what makes you think I’m the sort of man to do that?’ I
enquired with a raised brow.
    ‘You wouldn’t be so busy in your evening profession if you
weren’t, Sir,’ he replied. ‘I also know that Mr. Davenport wouldn’t hold you in
such high esteem if you weren’t a good man. He’s a very good judge of
character, any man he calls a best friend, is an honest, decent man.’
    I smiled, James was shrewd, he saw right through me. I
looked out of the window and frowned. Thinking about her with someone else
slayed me, but she did deserve better than me. She deserved someone without my
rather chequered past and present. A woman would never be able to trust me if
she knew my history. One day, when I was ready to quit this lifestyle and just
focus on my physical training clients, or even take up my best friend’s offer
of a management job in his own firm, then I could think about finding a girl to
go steady with. But my days as an escort were going to have to stay firmly
buried, if I stood a chance with anyone.

Trey Douglas

    I sat in the black taxi and ran a
finger along the inside of my black shirt collar and loosened another button. I
was so excited to have been approached by Logan again, we’d worked together a
number of times now and each time he taught me something new. I’d been a
typical cocky, arrogant twenty year old when we first crossed paths, thinking,
given my age, my stamina would outlast his, I’d been sorely mistaken. The man
would put any Iron Man contestant in the shade. He’d taken pity on me and told
me that every escort had to start somewhere and if I’d follow instructions on
any bookings, he’d be happy to let me learn from him. That just showed his self-confidence.
Any other male escort would be threatened by a newbie on the scene, not Logan.
He’d already taught me so much in the art of seducing a woman, rather than
charging in and pounding them hell for leather. He’d told me some story about a
tortoise and a hare, that had gone in one ear and out of the other, what didn’t
pass straight through were the tips and pointers he gave me. I watched him with
an eagle eye when he was one on one with a client and I

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