Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger)

Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger) by Amy Gamet Page A

Book: Meghan's Wish (Love and Danger) by Amy Gamet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Gamet
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make it up to her mother, watching her younger sister, cleaning the house and doing the shopping. Patty was just beginning to think things were back to normal when Bonnie Harrison called to say she saw Meghan and Liam making out behind the Super Duper, “like a couple of horny teenagers.”
    Saint Catherine's was called, only to find that the nuns were in the process of shutting down the school due to poor enrollment.
    Patty marched a mortified Meghan into the principal's office at school, and Meghan shriveled as she listened to her mother reprimand the administrator for allowing Liam Wheaton to get his grubby paws on her innocent daughter. Well aware on which side his bread was buttered, the principal gave Liam his own private lunch table, away from his classmates, and Liam's desk was moved to the opposite side of the classroom.
    It was a full year before her mother sent Meghan back to the Super Duper.
    “I need eggs for the casserole, and I can't walk away from these,” she said, gesturing to several pots bubbling on the stove. Patty exhaled loudly, staring at her daughter. “Go to the store. And no funny business, young lady. Do you hear me? If that Wheaton boy is there, you ignore him. Not a word.”
    Meghan's bike flew down Main Street as fast as her feet could pedal, her dark hair blowing behind her in the breeze. All the way there her heart pounded in her chest, her hands gripping the handlebars too tightly as her emotions raced in anticipation.
    They hadn't even spoken since the fateful track meet, the adults keeping a close watch on them at every turn. Meghan pulled her bike up on the curb, hastily snapping the lock and running inside. She scanned the aisles one by one until she found him, his long body reaching onto a high shelf.
    She bit her lip as she started toward him. “Liam,” she called out lightly, and his head snapped up.
    His eyes held hers, devouring her, setting her belly to tingling. “Meggie.”
    “My momma let me come buy some eggs.” What a stupid thing to say, but it didn't matter, because they were together again, face-to-face.
    “I've missed you,” he said, his eyes falling to her lips.
    Meghan felt herself flush, loving the sound of his words after so much silence. “Meet me,” she said quietly.
    “I don't know.”
    He took a purposeful step toward her. “The old powder mill, by the river.”
    She had heard stories about what went on there. Dirty stories about men and women and what they could do to each other. She felt dizzy, even as she nodded her consent. Anything to be close to Liam. “When?”
    “I get off at six.”
    Her parents were going to a concert, and Becky had a sleepover at a friend’s house. “I'll be there.”
    And so it was that Meghan O'Connor and Liam Wheaton made love at the old powder mill, the summer they turned sixteen. When Meghan slipped from Liam's arms and raced to beat her parents home, she had no idea that two great changes were about to take place, that would alter her life forever.
    A new life was forming in her belly, and the old powder mill was about to go up in flames.
    “I'm home,” Meghan called from the doorway of the apartment, her arms wrestling with a seven-foot spruce. Warm, humid air and the smell of something baking greeted her, making her mouth water. “Fiona?” She pushed the top of the tree over the threshold, a branch whipping back to scratch her face. “Damn it,” she muttered. “I could use some help here, please!”
    Footsteps padded to the other side of the doorway, Fiona's heart-shaped face and green eyes just visible over the foliage. “You got a tree!”
    “I think the tree got me, actually. I'm bleeding, and I'm stuck. Help me get this in there.”
    “What do you want me to do?”
    “Crawl under there and pull the trunk in first. What are you baking?”
    Fiona knelt down under the boughs, her red hair just visible beneath the full branches.
    She looks more like Becky every

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