Mayan Calendar Prophecies: The Complete Collection of 2012 Predictions and Prophecies

Mayan Calendar Prophecies: The Complete Collection of 2012 Predictions and Prophecies by Gary Daniels Page B

Book: Mayan Calendar Prophecies: The Complete Collection of 2012 Predictions and Prophecies by Gary Daniels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gary Daniels
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the harlot, who were born when their day dawned in Katun 3 Ahau. Thus shall end the power of those who are two-faced toward our Lord God.
    But when the law of the katun shall have run its course, then God will bring about a great deluge again which will be the end of the world. When this is over, then our Lord Jesus Christ shall descend over the valley of Jehoshaphat beside the town of Jerusalem / where he redeemed us with his holy blood. He shall descend on a great cloud to bear true testimony that he was once obliged to suffer, stretched out on a cross of wood. Then shall descend in his great power and glory the true God who created heaven and earth and everything on earth. He shall descend to level off the world for the good and the bad, the conquerors the captives.

B. The Katun Prophecies from the Chilam Balam of Chumayel
    There are multiple versions of the katun prophecies in the Chilam Balam of Chumayel as translated by Ralph Roys. These prophecies are recorded in chapters 18, 22, & 24 of his translation. Below you will find all of these versions for the three katun periods covered in this book, katuns 4, 2 and 13. Use them to understand what type of events the Maya believed were cyclical and thus predictable.

    Image: The Katun Wheel from the Chilam Balam of Chumayel

Chapter XVIII A Series of Katun Prophecies
    Katun 4 Ahau
    The katun is established at Uuc-yab-nal in Katun 4 Ahau. At the mouth of the well, Uuc-yab-nal, it is established ... It shall dawn in the south. The face of is covered; his face is dead. There is mourning for water; there is mourning for bread. His mat and his throne shall face the west. Blood-vomit is the charge . At that time his loin-cloth and his mantle shall be white. Unattainable shall be the bread of the katun. The quetzal shall come; the green bird shall come. The kax tree shall come; the bird shall come. The tapir shall come. The tribute shall be hidden at the mouth of the well.
    Katun 2 Ahau
    The katun is established at Maylu, Zaci, Mayapan in Katun 2 Ahau. The katun is on its own base. The rope shall descend; the poison of the serpent shall descend, pestilence three piles of skulls. The men are of little use. Then the burden was bound on Buluc-chabtan. a dry wind. The ramon is the bread of 2 Ahau. It shall be half famine and half abundance. This is the charge of Katun 2 Ahau.
    Katun 13 Ahau
    The Katun is established at Kinchil Coba, Maya Cuzamil, in Katun 13 Ahau. Itzamna, Itzam-tzab, is his face during its reign. The ramon shall be eaten. Three years shall be locust years, ten generations . The fan shall be displayed; the bouquet shall be displayed, borne by Yaxaal Chac in the heavens. Unattainable is the bread of the katun in 13 Ahau. The sun shall be eclipsed. Double is the charge of the katun: men without offspring, chiefs without successors. For five days the sun shall be eclipsed, then it shall be seen . This is the charge of Katun 13 Ahau.

Chapter XXII A Book of Katun Prophecies
    Katun 4 Ahau

    Katun 4 Ahau is the eleventh katun according to the count. The katun is established at Chichen Itzá. The settlement of the Itzá shall take place . The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. Blood-vomit shall come. Kukulcan shall come with them for the second time. the word of God. The Itzá shall come.
    Katun 2 Ahau

    Katun 2 Ahau is the twelfth katun. At Maya [uaz] Cuzamil the katun is established. For half there will be bread; for half there will be water. the word of God. For half of it there will be a temple for the rulers. the end of the word of God.
    Katun 13 Ahau

    The judgment.
    It is Katun 13 Ahau according to the count. The katun is established at Kinchil Coba, the thirteenth katun. The bouquet of the rulers of the world shall be

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