Mated to the Enemy Alpha
resurfaced. The woman doubled patrols of her territory, responded
to provocations her father used to let go, and in general
overreacted every damn time one of his wolves crossed the line.
Time was, a trespassing wolf would be sent back to him with a pithy
note to deal with it, or else. Not any more. Andraste had an ax to
grind, and plenty of blood thirst to whet it.
    “ I’ll do it,” he said. “If it has to
be done, I’ll be the one.”
    “ Where are we going?” Cora asked.
She’d pulled her ropy blonde hair into a waist length tail, clingy
white tank revealing teal and pink tattoos covering her toned
    Andraste’s nails tapped on the wheel as she
stared out the windshield, frowning.
    “ You know what? I’m calling off the
soldiers. I’ll take care of the hit myself.”
    “ Shit, Ande. That means going into
Dalig Hund territory. If any of the pack get a whiff you’re
    “ I’ll just have to be sure they don’t
make me.”
    She looked into her rear view mirror, called
on a trickle of power and began the slow, painful process of
altering her features. The brown hair would have to stay, but she
softened bones and widened her eyes, adding roundness to her
    “ There.”
    Cora shook her head. “You think that will
work? You’re the only female Beta in the State. A false face won't
do anything but tell them you’re up to no good.”
    Andraste revved the engine. “I am up to no
good. I can fool them long enough to draw those two rapists out.
Quick kill, then get the hell out. I look downright innocent right
now. You in?”
    Cora sighed. “Your dad would kill me if I
let you go in alone. Come on. Let’s get this shit over.”
    “ Whoa. Look what just walked in. Don’t
get pussy that pretty too often.”
    Rolf turned his head at his Beta’s words,
eyes narrowing as two women walked in, a blonde who looked like she
could handle a good time, and a brunette chess club captain. He
snorted. He doubted that one was even twenty one. She looked around
the dim bar with wide eyes, clutching the arm of her taller, tenser
    “ Either of them someone’s new girl?”
he asked.
    Rolf never bothered to keep track of the
newest toy his members played with for a few weeks then put back on
the shelf. Women who thought it a walk on the wild side to date a
shifter in a biker club. Pack women stayed away from the bar- a
fight over one of them would be to the death. But human women- no
one would do anything more than throw a few punches, mostly for
show and to let off some harmless steam. Though it sure looked
convincing to the humans.
    “ Don't recognize either one,” Cam
said, hazel eyes sparkling. “Maybe came looking to get picked up.
If the blonde looks at me, she’s mine.”
    Yeah, Cam always liked the ones with an
edge. “Whatever, bro.”
    The women approached the bar and slid onto
stools, the brunette scrutinizing the surface of hers before she
sat her dainty ass down. Rolf observed by their body language they
knew every eye was on them. They ordered drinks, the blonde stiff
and tense, the brunette looking around like she was in a cupcake
shop, and there were too many flavors to pick from. Stupid.
    The brunette glanced his way, dark eyes
locking with his. He froze, and she looked away. He’d thought he’d
seen a flash behind the vapid expression- a flash that contradicted
the image she presented as prey. But, no. Just the dim light.
    Still, he kept an eye on them as one of his
lower ranked wolves, a spiffy faced bastard with slick magazine
styled hair approached them. Rolf’s interest perked when the
brunette said a few pithy words, sent him packing. He straightened
in his seat. Not her type, huh? Might not be as soft as she looked.
Took some balls to walk into a place like this, especially for the
first time.
    When their drinks came and she took a sip of
the pink thing his bartender sat in front of her- with a notable
lack of enthusiasm- he saw the tiniest wince.

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