Mastering the Marquess

Mastering the Marquess by Vanessa Kelly Page B

Book: Mastering the Marquess by Vanessa Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vanessa Kelly
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everyone can afford vast fleets of servants who can be deployed in response to their master’s every momentary whim,” she said in a frosty voice. “Some of us are required to make do with the economies that have been forced upon us by circumstances. It is entirely unnecessary for you to trouble yourself with our domestic arrangements.” She positively glowered at him. “But I thank you for your generous concern,” she finished in a politely clipped tone that utterly failed to disguise her vexation.
    Robert and Annabel, who had been chatting merrily away in the corner, had fallen silent and were now staring uncertainly at their elders. It occurred to Silverton they must appear to be out of their minds to be arguing over servants, and he suddenly started to laugh. Meredith looked at him with surprise, but as he continued to laugh, her mouth grew thin with disapproval.
    Silverton threw up his hands in a gesture of mock surrender. “Miss Burnley, I suggest we cease this discussion before we fall into an unseemly brawl. Surely we can come to some kind of arrangement that will satisfy both my concerns for your safety and the demands of your pocketbook.”
    He leveled his most compelling smile at her, the one that never failed to render young women totally compliant.
    â€œYou know Lady Stanton will be most alarmed by this day’s events. If not for your own sake, then think of her feelings at the thought of her granddaughter left so unprotected.”
    She continued to frown at him, obviously immune to either his smile or his reasoning.
    â€œMeredith,” Annabel interjected in a hesitant voice.
    Meredith pulled her gaze reluctantly away from Silverton to look at her sister.
    â€œI must confess that I would feel better with a proper footman at the door. It is, perhaps, not fair to ask Agatha or John to be so responsible for our safety,” Annabel finished softly.
    Meredith thawed immediately. She cast a guilty look at Silverton, blushing in that enchanting manner he was beginning to find insidiously captivating. Biting her lip, she paused for only a moment before responding.
    â€œAnnabel is right, of course,” she said, smiling apologetically at him. “Please don’t think I’m not grateful for all you have done for us. We are already so obliged to you and Lady Stanton for all your many kindnesses.”
    â€œThere is no obligation, Miss Burnley.”
    He didn’t want her to feel indebted to him, Silverton realized with a jolt. He wanted her to be so taken with him that she would do whatever it was he wanted her to do. That thought finally alarmed him. He could feel himself sliding into very dangerous territory.
    â€œI feel certain we can come to a satisfactory arrangement,” he continued, making a point of smiling at Annabel. “Let me speak to Lady Stanton about what I feel is necessary to safeguard you and your sister.”
    â€œThank you, my lord. Whatever you think is necessary.” Meredith reached for his cup to pour out more tea. He gently waved her off.
    â€œNo more for me, I thank you. Robert and I have imposed on you long enough,” he said as he rose to take his leave.
    His cousin reluctantly stood up from the sofa, staring wistfully at Annabel for a moment before moving to stand by Silverton. Robert was about to make his bow to Meredith when he smacked himself on the forehead.
    â€œI completely forgot what I wished to say to you,” he exclaimed. “Miss Burnley, Miss Annabel, the purpose of my visit this morning was to invite you to accompany me and my sister, Sophia, to Green Park. I have told her all about you, and she is most eager to meet you. We were on our way here to extend the invitation when Agatha came racing up the street to fetch help. That’s why we were able to respond to your summons so quickly.”
    Meredith cast a speculative glance at Robert, and then to her sister, who was clapping her hands in

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