Marry Me

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Book: Marry Me by Kristin Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Wallace
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frizz ball. Plus, her deodorant had thrown up its hands in defeat some time ago, so now she was a smelly , giant frizzy ball.
    Julia spotted a white limousine in the parking lot so at least she knew the wedding party had arrived. The employee’s lounge doubled as a bride’s room for weddings. Julia burst into the room and was confronted with a half-dozen young women giggling and chattering like a bunch of chipmunks in hot pink dresses.
    Betsy turned as the door shut. “Hi, Julia. Is everyone here?”
    â€œLooks like it. Please tell me everything fits this time.”
    Betsy gestured to a young woman in white who was fully dressed, thank goodness.
    Lisa Evans, the bride, shot her a worried look. “Are there any clouds?”
    Julia shook her head. “No.”
    â€œYou’re sure? Because I thought I saw one when we came in. I would die if it rained on my wedding.”
    â€œI don’t think you have to worry about any freak thunderstorms today. Heat exhaustion, maybe, but not rain.”
    â€œAnd the roses? The dresses match, right? I specifically told my dressmaker I wanted the bridesmaids’ dresses to match the roses in the garden. I even brought her out here so she could see the color.”
    â€œOf course they match,” Julia said. She had no idea if it was true, but at this point she’d say anything to get Lisa up and out of the room in time for the ceremony.
    Lisa was satisfied because she nodded. She and the bridesmaids started to file out of the room.
    â€œUgh, it’s hot,” one of the bridesmaids said. “Remind me not to have my wedding here. My makeup is already melting.”
    My everything is melting, Pinky.
    Julia ran ahead to signal the string quartet to start the processional music. With relative ease, she and Betsy got the attendants and the bride down the aisle. Julia turned to her tiny cohort, and they gave each other a little high five.
    â€œNot bad for only our second wedding,” Julia said.
    Betsy grinned. “Piece of cake.”
    Seth was performing this ceremony, too, and he stepped forward. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, in the sight of these witnesses to celebrate the union of Lisa Anne Evans and Scott Edward Thompson…”
    Julia surveyed the wedding party and had to admit Lisa and Scott made a lovely picture. She noticed the bridesmaid’s dresses did indeed match the roses.
    â€œI’m going to head over to the reception tent and make sure everything is in order there,” Betsy said. “You stay here.”
    Since she was feeling invincible, Julia nodded. “Okay.”
    She turned back as Seth was getting to the vows. “Lisa, repeat after me. I, Lisa Anne Evans…”
    â€œI Lisa Anne… Ah! ”
    Julia jumped as the bride started screaming and slapping her arms. Julia rushed forward, along with most of the guests.
    â€œIt’s a bee! Get it off me! Get it off!” Lisa screamed.
    Julia pushed through the crowd, in time to see the bride drop to the ground in a heap of white crinoline.
    â€œLisa!” Scott cried.
    Julia knelt over the prostrate girl. Her face was flushed, and she looked like she was struggling to breathe. So, not just a panic attack.
    â€œSomeone call an ambulance!” Julia shouted.
    Julia was pretty sure she’d seen this reaction before in movies. This was not good.
    â€œIs Lisa allergic to bees?” Julia asked.
    Lisa’s mother looked panic-stricken. “Yes. We never should have let her talk us in to an outdoor wedding.”
    Julia cursed under her breath. “Is the ambulance coming?”
    â€œThey’re on the way,” Betsy said, pushing through the crowd.
    She dropped down to the ground. The giant tackle box was with her again. Betsy reached in and pulled out a long, thin wand and handed it over.
    â€œWhere did you get this?” Julia asked, staring at the instrument in confusion.
    â€œLisa gave

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