Marry Me

Marry Me by Kristin Wallace

Book: Marry Me by Kristin Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristin Wallace
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to move this church — and the town — to a place where we can stop sitting in judgment of others. It doesn’t mean we condone sinful behavior, but if we ever hope to change hearts, we have to approach people with compassion and mercy.”
    She looked at him for a long time. Finally, her head swiveled back and forth. “Who knew you’d turn out to be a maverick?”
    Heat crept up his cheeks. “I’m only serving the Lord as I hope He’d want.”
    â€œYou must get so overwhelmed. Doing the Lord’s work while fighting off the forces of evil.” She said the last part with a little boxing duck and dodge move.
    Another jolt of surprise ricocheted through his body, and he went still. “How is it you get me better than people who’ve known me my whole life?”
    And why does it have to be a woman who scorns everything I believe?
    â€œI’m sure you have people in your life who understand,” she said, taking a deep breath.
    â€œBeth was the only one who seemed to really get it, but her father was a minister so perhaps she had special insight.”
    At the mention of his wife, Julia’s gaze went to the framed photograph on Seth’s desk. This picture was older than the one in his apartment.
    Julia leaned forward. “Is this Beth?”
    â€œYes. It was taken—” He stopped. Memories assaulted him. This photo had been taken when they’d bought their first house in Memphis after he’d graduated from Seminary. The one in his bedroom had been taken here in Covington Falls. Beth had looked completely healthy, but in truth she’d already started to die. The injustice of it hit him again. A wave of anger and grief threatened to take him under.
    â€œBefore she got sick,” Julia said. “She was beautiful.”
    The softly spoken words snapped Seth back to the here and now. Julia was looking at him, and in some odd way he had the feeling she was trying to give him strength. And a chance to recover.
    He cleared his throat. “She was.”
    Seth was about to say something else when a sprightly, middle-aged woman joined them.
    â€œPastor Graham—” She broke off when she saw Julia. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize you were with someone.”
    Seth stood up and walked around the desk. “It’s all right, Clarice. Have you met Grace’s stepdaughter?”
    The woman blinked. “No, I haven’t had the pleasure.”
    â€œThis is Julia. Julia, Clarice Johnson, one of our members.”
    â€œNice to meet you,” Julia said.
    Mrs. Johnson’s head swiveled back and forth between them. “Likewise. I hope I’m not intruding.”
    â€œNot at all,” Julia said. “I came by to meet with Meredith Vining about a wedding, and I couldn’t resist stopping in to see where Seth works.”
    â€œOf course,” Mrs. Johnson said, before turning to Seth again. “Pastor Graham, I came by to invite you to dinner tomorrow night. My niece is visiting. She’s just back from the mission field in Venezuela, and I know you two would have so much in common.”
    Oh, not again! He forced a smile. “I’d be honored to meet her and enjoy your splendid hospitality.”
    Mrs. Johnson looked delighted. “Wonderful! We’ll see you at seven tomorrow then?”
    â€œI look forward to it.”
    Julia turned, brow arched as Mrs. Johnson bustled from the room. “She wants you to meet her niece?”
    â€œMrs. Johnson has no children of her own, but she comes from a big family and so does her husband. I think she must have about twenty nieces.”
    â€œDo people try to fix you up a lot?”
    Seth shifted, uncomfortable with the topic. “It started about eight months ago. The fix-ups anyway. At first it was only dinner. I guess they thought I’d starve on my own, even though Grace fed me well. Then eventually eligible women started to get

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