Marooned in Miami

Marooned in Miami by Sandra Bunino Page A

Book: Marooned in Miami by Sandra Bunino Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Bunino
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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accommodations with understated elegance.
    “Just be forewarned, Rick. If the next three deals go like this one, I’m staying another night on you!” Stephanie laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t think you would mind too much.”
    Downtime was important to Stephanie. These trips provided her an outlet to wind down from the everyday stress of her job and personal life. Not that she had much of a life outside of her job recently. Her divorce finalized only the month before, and she was still reeling from the experience. This was a much-needed retreat to decompress if only for a few days. Her chosen oasis for this particular stop in Miami was The Hotel Del Santos off Ocean Drive. The Del Santos, only steps away from the white sandy beaches of Miami’s South Beach, had her attention from the second she laid eyes on the website. Its inviting old world charm welcomed visitors to the front patio with potted ferns and tropical flowers. The lobby’s high ceilings and expansive windows showcased the beautiful wood moldings and ornate chandeliers that glistened on the marble floor.
    “I’m about to get into the elevator now. I’ll send you the specifics when I get up to my room.” The account was a big win for her, and she was excited about what the new business would do for her sales numbers. She pressed the up button of the hotel’s elevator with a manicured finger.
    Startled by an angry crack of thunder, she saw a flash of lightning through the lobby’s floor to ceiling glass window. The chandeliers all flickered in unison as the elevator doors opened. She swore under her breath, looked down at her three-inch heels and considered walking up the six flights of stairs to her room.
    “Hey, is it okay to take the elevator in this storm?” she called to the front desk clerk who nodded and gave her a small wave.
    A night stuck in the elevator was not in her plan. She debated for a moment about walking up barefoot when she heard a low voice to her right.
    “How about we chance it together?”
    She spun around to see the source of those words that washed over her like a slow moving current. Stephanie’s breath caught when she turned toward the source of the silky voice. His eyebrows raised and waited for an answer to his question. His lips curled to showcase his straight white teeth. He appeared out of nowhere; surely she would have noticed him in the lobby. A day’s growth of dark stubble covered his chiseled cheekbones below dangerous blue eyes. Stephanie’s heart raced, while she imagined her fingers combing through his dark wavy hair. Stop it, she thought as she shook her head slightly and hoped the action would rid her mind of these visions. One side of her said kick off those heels and walk up all of those damn flights of stairs, but the other told her to take him up on the offer. It was as if an angel and a devil sat on her shoulders. The devil was winning. The front desk didn’t foresee an issue with the elevator so why should she?
    Stephanie’s eyes narrowed, careful not to give him any indication of the attraction she felt, even though his dark hair and tanned complexion made her insides turn to mush. There was something about his presence that made her feel sexy. She couldn’t make sense of the feeling. Heat coursed through her veins and straight down to her core. How could a stranger have that effect on her? I’ve got to start dating. I’m turning into a horny mess. She stepped inside the elevator and pushed the button for the sixth floor. The man followed closely behind, slid his key into the PH slot at the top and pushed the button.
    Waiting for the elevator to arrive at her floor, she wondered if he was checking her out. She looked down to brush her hand over an imaginary piece of thread on her skirt and stole a glance to her left. Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome looked straight ahead with a smug look on his face. Ah, one of those - good looking, rich and arrogant as hell.

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