Marcus Agrippa: Right-hand Man of Caesar Augustus
presented with the toga covering the head, such as he appears on the Ara Pacis ( Ibid , pp. 55–60). The third type she identifies share the characteristics of a bust found at Butrint, displaying a less naturalistic style, where the hair is less dense and the fringe combed forward over the brow, covering a receding hairline ( Ibid , p. 60).
    (c) Cameos
    Several cameos produced in the Roman period depict Agrippa. The Bibliothèque National in Paris has two cameos. The first is a two-sided cameo carved from agate. Measuring 35mm × 628mm the obverse has a profile of Agrippa facing left wearing his combined corona navalis and muralis on his head and a commander’s paludamentum over his shoulder. The second, measuring 34mm × 648mm, shows a laureate head of Augustus (left) facing a head of Agrippa crowned with a corona rostrata and muralis (right).
    The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England has an onyx cameo (inv. P. 35 (CM)) which measures 95mm × 95mm showing Agrippa in profile facing left wearing a corona navalis .
    The Medagliere Capitolino, Rome has an exquisite cameo (inv. 6738) of incised carnelian. Measuring 1.9cm in diameter, the finely carved, naturalistic profile of Agrippa shows him facing left wearing his combined corona navalis and muralis .
    Agate was the choice of material of the artist of the cameo in the Pappalardo Collection, Catania. The piece is oval in shape and 60mm high. The beautiful portrait, which faces right, recalls the profile of the Agrippa in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek (inv. 608).

    Ancient Authors
    Appian, Bellum Civilum ( Civil War ).
    Appian, Ἰλλυρικὴ ( Illyrike , Illyrian Wars ).
    Ammianus Marcellinus, Res Gestae a Fine Corneli Taciti ( Roman History ).
    Augustus, Res Gestae ( Deeds of Augustus ).
    Aulus Gellius, Noctes Atticae ( Attic Nights ).
    Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Gallico ( The Gallic War ).
    Cassiodorus, Χρονικών ( Chronicles ).
    Cassius Dio, Pωμαϊκὴ Iστορία ( Roman History ).
    Cicero, De Oratore ( On Oratory ).
    Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum ( Letters to Atticus ).
    Cicero, De Legibus ( On Law ).
    Cornelius Nepos, Corneli Nepoti Attici ( Life of Atticus ).
    Eutropius, Breviarium Historiae Romanae ( Brief History of the Romans ).
    Florus, Epitome de T. Livio Bellorum Omnium Annorum ( Epitome of Livy ).
    Frontinus, De Aqueductu Urbis Romae ( The Aqueducts of Rome ).
    Horace, Carmina ( Odes ).
    Horace, Carmen Saecularum ( Century Ode ).
    Horace, Saturae ( Satires ).
    Josephus, Antiquitates Iudaicae ( Antiquities of the Jews ).
    Josephus, Bellum Iudaicum ( Jewish War ).
    Josephus, Contra Apionem ( Against Apion ).
    Josephus, Iστορία Ἰουδαϊκoῦ Πολέμου πρὁς ‘ Pωμαίους ( Wars of the Jews or The History of the Destruction of Jerusalem ).
    Livy, Ab Urbe Condita ( History from the Foundation of Rome ).
    Livy, Periochae ( Extracts ).
    Nikolaos of Damaskos, Bίος Καῖσαρος ( Life of Caesar ).
    Obsequens, Ab Anno Urbis Conditae Du Prodigiorum Liber ( Book of Prodigies Since the Foundation of the City ).
    Orosius, Historiarum Adversum Paganos ( History Against the Pagans ). Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia ( Natural History ).
    Plutarch, Ἀντωνίος ( Life of Antonius ).
    Plutarch, Βρούτος ( Life of Brutus ).
    Plutarch, Καῖσαρος ( Life of Iulius Caesar ).
    Plutarch, Κράσσος ( Life of Crassus ).
    Plutarch, Κικέρωνος ( Life of Cicero ).
    Plutarch, Πομπήϊος ( Life of Pompeius Magnus ).
    Plutarch, De Invidia et Odio ( On Envy and Hate ).
    Polybius, Oὶ Ιστορίες ( The Histories ).
    Propertius, Elegiae ( Elegies ).
    Ptolemy, Γεωγραφικὴ Ὑφήγησις ( Geography, Cosmographia ). Seneca the Younger, Controversiae ( Debates ).
    Seneca the Younger, Epistulae ( Letters ).
    Servius, In Vergilii Carmina Commentarii ( Commentaries on Vergil’s Poems ).
    Strabo, Γεωγραφικά ( Geography ).
    Suetonius, Divus Augustus ( Life of the Divine

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