Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1)

Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray Page A

Book: Malik (Carter Brother Series Book 1) by Lisa Helen Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Helen Gray
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    “Hey are you ready?’’ I ask Malik, only to stand up and find Davis instead of Malik standing over me with a sneer upon his face. “What do you want?’’ I ask sounding bored, but inside my mind is screaming at me to walk away.
    “You’re a fucking bitch do you know that? You’ve got a lot to learn little girl. I’m sure your boyfriends filled you in on what happened to the last girl that fucked me off,’’ he sneers.
    “Do you mean brushed you off?’’ I snap, my stomach twisting. Is he on about the girl Denny was trying to tell me about yesterday? We never did get to finish that conversation and I wish we did now.
    “You’re all talk Evans. Once I’m done with you, you’ll wish you never stepped foot in this school. Come in here with your high ass attitude, thinking you can talk to people how you wish. You’re in for a big surprise.’’
    “And why is that? Because you’re going to make my life hell? News flash, there is nothing you could do to me that would hurt me,’’ I snap, my voice rising from the anger boiling within me. How dare he? Who does he think he is? I have a feeling not a lot of people listen to his warnings and get beaten down a lot; so he gets his kicks out of picking on innocent girls. It’s the only way boys like him can. I know the sort; after all, we had a few at my old school, but none as vicious as Davis. Something about him though has me feeling on edge. Yeah, he’s creepy, comes across as a serial killer, but it’s more than that. He has so much dark brewing inside of him that I would be surprised if he even had a beating heart.
    “Is that a challenge,’’ he sneers stepping into my space.
    “Move back,’’ I warn, holding my hand up, but he just smacks it away, hard, making me hiss out in pain when he hits the bruise that he made earlier. “I mean it,’’ I warn, my voice shaky as my confidence fades.
    It happens so fast, his hands are on my shoulders, shoving me back, making me fall back until my back lands on the stone bench I had just been occupying. I land on my back with a grunt, the air getting knocked out of my chest.
    Looming above me, he gives me an evil grin, his eyes raking my body as a cold chill sets upon me. The way his eyes rake over me is unnerving, and I wish I had the courage to cause a few lacerations to his body. Like a lot. Just the thought of causing him bodily harm has me grinning. On the inside of course, I’m not that stupid.
    His body moves forward, his face getting in mine with a glare. I wince, my eyes watering as he grabs my face, his fingers digging into my cheek and chin making me look at him. Something tells me him being here isn’t a coincidence. Someone must have overheard mine and Malik’s conversation earlier in the cafeteria. It has to be that or Davis is stalking me. I’d prefer the first if I’m honest.
    “I’m going to have fun with you. Bitches like you deserve to be taught a lesson.’’
    “Get away from me,’’ I choke out, my nerves sky rocketing out of control.
    With one easy swift movement he has me standing back up on shaky legs before pushing himself up against me. “You tell anyone, and I mean anyone, and I’ll make sure your Grandma doesn’t sleep soundly through the night again,’’ he must see the shock written on my face cause he makes a noise that sounds like a chuckle. “Oh, I know all about your busybody Grandma Harlow,’’ he taunts looking smug. “I also know where she leaves her spare key, but even if I didn’t, I know how to break through any lock in the neighbourhood without ever being caught. You should remember that. You’d be wise to, because one word to anyone and you’ll never know when I’ll be coming for you, it will be when you least expect it and mark my words, I’m going to fucking love destroying you.’’
    He doesn’t say anything else as he forcefully grabs my face again sharply, most likely leaving more bruises on my pale skin. He pinches so hard that I

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